Richard W.
Franke and Barbara H. Chasin
Publications on The Sahel
Page Franke's Page
peasants, profits, and pastoralists: the social and economic background to
ecological deterioration in Niger and its implications for current
development programs. The Journal of Peasant Studies 8(3):1-30. With
Barbara H. Chasin.
Reprinted in African
Environment, Occasional Paper no. 56. Dakar, Senegal: United Nations
African Institute for Economic Planning and Development. 1980
Reprinted in The
Ecologist 11(4):156-68. 1981
Seeds of Famine: Ecological Destruction and the
Development Dilemma in the West African Sahel. Totowa, New Jersey:
Rowman/Allanheld. Paperback, 1981. With Barbara H.
online review of Seeds of Famine
Hungersnot, kologie und Unterentwicklung:
die Sahel zone. Trickster 6/7:5-10. With Barbara H. Chasin.
Reprinted in Stadt Nurnberg, Amt fr kulturelle Freizeitgestaltung. Jugendzentrum
fr politische Bildung/Projekt Kooperation Freizeit und Schule, Unterentwicklung-berentwicklung:
Die Industrielnder und die Dritte
Welt. 1981, pp. 37-41.
Famine, ecology and underdevelopment. In The role
of U. S. Universities in International Rural and Agricultural Development,
edited by Brooke Schoepf. Tuskegee Institute:
Center for Rural Development, pp. 49-56. With Barbara H. Chasin.
1981 (Franke only)
Mode of production and population patterns: policy
implications for West African development. International Journal of Health
Services 11(3):361-87.
Reprinted in Populi: Journal of the United Nations Fund for
Population Activities 8(4):8-31. 1981
Irrigation, irritation. New Internationalist
103:14. With Barbara H. Chasin.
Africa's other famine. Commonweal
108(13):396-399. With Barbara H. Chasin.
Cape Verde's anticolonial path. Guardian. 18
March 1981. With Barbara H. Chasin.
Cape Verde confronted by famine. Guardian.
11 March 1981. With Barbara H. Chasin.
A question of balance: trouble in the Sahel. New
Internationalist 114:20-21, 28. With Barbara H. Chasin.
Africa: continent in crisis. Anthropology
Resource Center Newsletter 6(1):1. With Barbara H. Chasin.
Agribusiness in Africa. The Global Reporter
1(3):14. With Barbara H. Chasin.
1984 (Franke only)
Tuareg of West Africa: Five experiments in fourth world
development. Antipode 16(2):45-53.
Bitter harvests. New Internationalist
135:14-15. With Barbara H. Chasin.
How to protect Africa's environment. The New York
Times. 25 December 1984. With Barbara H. Chasin.
1984 (Chasin only)
Review of Yves Monnier, La Poussier
et la Cendre: Paysages,
Dynamiques des Formations Vgtales
et Stratgies des Socits en Afrique de l'Ouest. Canadian Journal of African Studies 18( 1):264-65.
1985 (Franke only)
Food and famine: looking for answers. Reviews
in Anthropology 12(2):42-51. (Review essay of Current Topics in
Nutrition and Disease, vol. 10: Malnutrition—Determinants and
Consequences, edited by Philip White and Nancy Selvey.
1984. New York: Alan R. Liss; and Famine: Its
Causes, Effects, and Management, edited by John R. K. Robson. 1981. New
York: Gordon and Breach.)
1986 (Chasin only)
Sahel Famine: A Social Disaster. Politics and Life
Sciences 4(2): 16667.
1987 (Franke only)
The effects of colonialism and neocolonialism on the
gastronomic patterns of the Third World. In Food and evolution, edited
by Marvin Harris and Eric Ross. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp.
1987 (Franke only)
Power, class and
traditional knowledge in Sahel food production. In Studies in Power
and Class in Africa, edited by Irving L. Markovitz.
New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 257-85.

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