23) Palladium Powder

Ludwik Kowalski, <kowalskiL@mail.montclair.edu>
Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, N.J. 07043

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Another paper worth reading is that of Arata and Zhang; it can be downloaded from:
Recognizing that surface atomic structure plays a key role in the production of AE (anomalous energy) and that lattice imperfections (such as lattice defects, amorphous structures, intense local stress and micro cracks) are very important the authors decided to use a bottle-like palladium cathode filled Pd-black powder. The electrochemical process was used to supply deuterium to the bottle. Deuterium entered the "bottle" through its thin walls and interacted with powder particles. In the abstract of their article (Jpn. Acad., Ser. B, 1994. 70 ser. B: p. 106.) the authors wrote:

"Using this cathode, the authors confirmed the sustained production of a significantly abnormal amount of energy over a period of several months that could not be ascribed to chemical reaction energy. The chemical reaction energy of 0.1 [mol] Pd-black used is only 4[kJ], but more than 200[MJ] of excess energy was continuously produced for over 3000 [hr] at an average rate of 50-100 [kJ/hr] using a DS-cathode with a same quantity of Pd-black. Intermittent operation over a period of two years using this structure proved the complete reproducibility of these results."

I know of one person who is now trying to get excess heat from Pd-black in a totally different way. He is a recognized leader of great US projects and is highly qualified for that kind of study. The outcome is likely to be described at the 10th International Cold Fusion Conference this summer. I plan to attend the conference and will share what I learn there.

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