Freud, Dora: An Analysis of a Case History

Ida and Otto Bauer
Picture of Ida and Otto Bauer from

Vocabulary / Translation

anamnesis (122)

anti-luetic (13), see lues, syphilis

aphonia (33, 111)

arc de cercle (120) = arc of a circle, semi-circle

catarrh (74)

dyspnoea (15) = see dyspnea

Frau = Mrs., woman

gastralgia (72) = stomach pain

Herr = Mr.

hysteria first identified with the patient Anna O. (Bertha Pappenheim) in Studies on Hysteria: "During the time Bertha Pappenheim nursed her father, she stopped eating. Her weight loss was such that she was forbidden to continue her nursing duties. She had also developed a cough which resembled her father's. At this point, Dr. Breuer was called in for the first time. Over the next three months, a very complex hysteria developed. Pappenheim suffered rigid paralyses of her arms and legs, paresis of the neck muscles, headaches, an somnambulism. First her right arm, then her right side, then her entire body suffered contracture. She was intermittently deaf. She had a convergent squint and severe, inexplicable disturbances of vision. She had temper tantrums during which she would throw things about the room, tear the buttons off her bedclothes, and grow distressed when relatives appeared. Most essential to this article is the fact that Pappenheim in her hysteria experienced a profound disorganization of speech and, for a time, total aphasia" (Hunter 467).

J'appelle un chat un chat (41) = I call a cat a cat

leucorrhoea (70)

marasmus (13)

mutism (32)

neuralgia (112)

Perityphlitis (94)

pour faire une omelette il faut casser des oeufs (42) = to make an omlette it's necessary to break some eggs

screen memory (73) = Deckerinnerung

Studien über Hysterie (6) = Studies on Hysteria (published with J. Breuer in 1895)

supervalent thoughts (47) = the thoughts expressed differ from the unconscious desire

tabo-paralysis (13), see tabes dorsalis

transference (106): when a patient transfers neurosis onto therapist as part of normal treatment

Traumdeutung (77) = Interpretation of Dreams

A Clinical
          Lecture at teh Salpêtiere

Blanche Wittman in André Brouillet's portrait of Dr. Charcot and Dr. Babinski demonstrating hypnosis, A Clinical Lecture at the Salpêtiere, 1887 (L'Ecole de Medecine, Lyon, France)

Dramatic Sketch

Directions: Write a short dramatic sketch involving characters from Dora in the Naturalist style. Include a detailed description of the scene.

Main Characters: Dora, Dora's mother, Dora's father, Herr K, Frau K

Characters on or offstage: Dora's brother, Dr. Freud, servants, Dora's governess (29)

Choose a scenario or make one up yourself:
Scenario 1: Dora has a dream (either one described to Freud [p. 56, 85] or one your group concocts)

Scenario 2: Dora's governess tells Dora's mother about the inappropriateness of Frau K.'s relationship to Dora's father (29)

Scenario 3: Dora calls on Frau K. after the death of her child (p. 111)

Works Cited:

Freud, Sigmund. Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria. Ed. Philip Rieff. NY: Simon and Schuster, 1963. 

Hunter, Dianne. "Hysteria, Psychoanalysis, and Feminism: the Case of Anna O." Feminist Studies 9.3 (Fall 1983): 464-88.

Moi, Toril. "Representation of Patriarchy: Sexuality and Epistemology in Freud's Dora." Feminist Review N. 9 (Oct. 1981): 60-74