The French Revolution

1. Why care about the French Revolution?

- Caused by American ex., poverty of masses, bread famine, aristocrats' abuse of power, legacy of Enlightenment thinking (Rousseau)

- Origin of left / right politics, lessons in revolution/civil wars

- Revolt in Haiti, abolition of slave trade

- First significant break from a vertical world

God > King > Clergy > Aristocracy > everyone else

 to a secular one with a burgeoning middle class

--> (Werther) How should people act like middle class citizens (not peasant, not aristocratic, but something in between)?

- Gave rise to Napoleon: Characters of the French Revolution (Romanticism / Genius)

2. Religion in the French Revolution

- revolt vs. Catholic Church = revolt vs. institutions of political, economic power

- Church property seized, but peoples' belief systems did not necessarily change

- Nuns, priests guillotined

- New national holidays to supplant religious ones

- Festival of Supreme Being

- Civil marriage (and divorce)

--> Catholicism did not totally disappear, although its break w/religion is a notable part of its relationship with the Church:

3. Olympe de Gouges

- ex. of proto-feminist revolution which incl. women fighting in the conflict (both sides: royalist and republican)

·       Stages a number of plays about slavery, women warriors, and patriotism

- 17th c. debate of women as shrews/monsters vs. Strong Women (Femmes Fortes)

- Gouges and class (contradictions and paradoxes)

Some notes on Gouges and the French Revolution: 

Girondists = constitutional monarchy

Jacobins = right-wing republicans 

Catherine of Medici

benevolent father king

Le Bonheur primitif de l'homme = the Origin of Man's Happiness
Deism = God as clockmaker

natural rights