MAW Cancer Chronicles Intro:
Web site introduction and disclaimer

In July 2012, I began a series of facebook status updates to tell the story of my bout with cancer that occurred in the fall of 1986 and winter of 1987 to commemorate my 25 years of being cancer free. These updates were given the collective title "The Cancer Chronicles". The purpose of these updates is multifold: catharsis, education, information, celebration, etc. Several of my facebook friends encouraged me to make them more available because they thought the content would be of general interest. The material was written for an audience of who were not necessarily scientists. This web site is one attempt to collect these updates that were posted from July 2012 to February 2013. I also gave a public seminar on cancer treatment by chemotherapy on February 13, 2013 at Montclair State. Links to the audio of this talk as well as the slides I used are included on this site (Entry 28).

Outline of the web site (Numbers are page numbers from the home page)

I must warn the reader that I am not an expert on any I report, except for my direct experiences. Most of my information is 25 years old or older. I have not kept up with Cancer research in detail. I am not a physician or cancer research, but I believe most of the information presented here is correct, and none of it should be taken as medical advice. If you suspect you have cancer see a health care professional. I have not edited the post and many typographical errors are present. I apologize for these, and please e-mail me any errors you may find. I thank those who encouraged me to make these materials available to a wider audience. I hope you enjoy reading them, and that you learn something about either cancer, chemotherapy, or me. I would appreciate feedback and comments.

My contact information is:

Mark Whitener
Department of Chemistry
Montclair State University
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043>
