import networkx as nx import datetime #this is the main recursive coloring procedure def color_proc(ht): cv = len(ht) foundpath=False #this for loop cycles through all 8 possibilities for up(cv) extend() for c in range(8): if (cv == 0 and c in avoidcase): continue #if we found a blue path in a previous iteration, then this same blue path is valid for the current #iteration as long as we are not in the case RRR or RRB if c not in avoidcase and foundpath: continue ht.append([c,[]]) paint_with_list(cv,clists[c]) #this `try' looks for a red cycle try: cycle = nx.find_cycle(RG) print cv,";", [ht[i][0] for i in range(cv+1)],";", cycle,";",len(cycle),";", "r" #if no red cycle is found, we look for a high density blue path except: foundpath = False if c not in avoidcase: #if cv is not too large, we look for a path beginning at 0 and ending at cv if cv < stitchcutoff: BGI = BG.subgraph(range(cv+1)) for path in nx.all_simple_paths(BGI, 0, cv): #this if clause stores the longest path ending at cv seen so far if len(path)> len(ht[cv][1]): ht[cv][1] = path if len(path)>= ratio*cv+1: print cv,";", [ht[i][0] for i in range(len(ht))],";", path,";",(len(path)-1.)/cv,";", "b" foundpath=True break #if cv is large, it is too computationally expensive to search for a path from 0 to cv, so we search for a #path starting at a later vertex (newstart) and append it to the longest path found ending at newstart. else: for newstart in range(cv-lookback, cv): if foundpath: break if ht[newstart][0]==0: continue if len(ht[newstart][1]) < .7*newstart+1: continue BGI = BG.subgraph(range(newstart,cv+1)) for path in nx.all_simple_paths(BGI, newstart, cv): stitch = ht[newstart][1][:-1] + path if len(stitch) > len(ht[cv][1]): ht[cv][1] = stitch if len(stitch) >= ratio*cv+1: print cv,";", [ht[i][0] for i in range(len(ht))],";", stitch,";",(len(stitch)-1.)/cv,";", "b" foundpath=True break if(foundpath==False): color_proc(ht) uncolor(cv) ht.pop() shorten() def uncolor(v): RG.remove_edges_from([(v, v+1), (v, v+2), (v, v+3)]) BG.remove_edges_from([(v, v+1), (v, v+2), (v, v+3)]) def paint_with_list(v, l): for i in range(3): if l[i] == 0: RG.add_edges_from([(v, v+i+1)]) else: BG.add_edges_from([(v, v+i+1)]) return 1 def extend(): RG.add_node(RG.number_of_nodes()) BG.add_node(BG.number_of_nodes()) def shorten(): RG.remove_node(RG.number_of_nodes()-1) BG.remove_node(BG.number_of_nodes()-1) n=5 avoidcase = {0, 3} #we don't start or end with RRR or RRB clists = [[0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1], [1,1,0], [1,0,1], [0,1,1], [1,1,1]] BG = nx.Graph() RG = nx.Graph() BG.add_nodes_from(range(n)) RG.add_nodes_from(range(n)) print "Enter desired density as a decimal. e.g., `.75' or `4./7.' " ratio=input() ht=[] stitchcutoff = 17 lookback =12 begin_time = color_proc(ht) end_time = print end_time-begin_time