Kerala Bibliography
1995-2003 Update

This Bibliography updates the May 1994 Bibliography of the Second Edition of Kerala: radical reform as development in an Indian state. I welcome all comments and suggestions for additional bibliographic entries. E-mail them to me ( or set up your own bibliography page, send me the address, and I will put a link here.
MSU Webpage                 CHSS Homepage                 Anthropology Homepage                 Franke Homepage

Last Updated: 15 July 2003. Thanks for additions and corrections to –

S. Ajith-Kumar William Alexander Elana Behar Jose George
Jayachandran N. Variyam Larso Bo Christensen Cherian Samuel G. Sugeetha
Suneil Thomas Peter Filardo Luis Rodriquez Heidi Stutz
D. Renjini Asko and Marjatta Parpola K. T. Rammohan Jos Chathukulam
Lelithabhai K. N. P. J. Cherian R. Sooryamoorthy Asha Nair
Olga Nieuwenhuys Shoba Arun    

Kerala History Bibliography of the Kerala Government Ministry of Cultural Affairs: has 1,230 sources, slight overlap with the bibliography below. Includes many original document sources available from the Kerala Gazeteers office of the Ministry.

Note: Most articles in the Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) from 1999 onwards can be accessed on line at:

Note on complete on-line texts: Some authors have begun sending me complete texts with permission to post them. I welcome this as it makes research easier for those who pass through this site. I will post texts as pdf files as soon after receiving them as my schedule allows. If the publication is available on-line somewhere else, just send me the link as this will get access posted more quickly.

Ajith-Kumar, S., Radhi D. Menon, Santosh M., and K. L. Vivekanandan. 1995. The gemstone bearing pegmatite of Mudakkal, S. Kerala. Kerala Science Congress, India, pp. 31-33.

_____, R. D. Menon, and M. Santosh. 1995. The gem stones in S. Kerala. Kerala Calling. Government of Kerala Publications for Research. p. 20.

_____, and M. Santosh. 1996. Magmatic origin and metamorphic evolution of the pyroxene granulites in the Trivandrum Block. Abst. Proc. International Seminar on Proterozoic evolution of South India.

_____, and K. P. Thrivikramaji. 1996. Framboids and aggregates of pyrite from Akkulam Lake. Proc. 8th Kerala Science Congress.

_____, M. Santhosh, and P. T. Roy Chacko. 1996. Pyroxene granulites of magmatic origin from the KKB, S. India. Abstr. International Symposium on Charnockite and Granulite facies rocks.

_____, M. Santosh, and M. Yoshida. 1996. The pyroxene granulites of Kunnanpara, Trivandrum Block, S. India. IGCP-368, Memoir-3.

_____, and M. Santosh. 1996. The massive charnokite of Eripara. IGCP-368. Memoir-3.

Alexander, William M. 1996a. The Kerala Phenomenon: Throughput, Information, and Life Quality Lifestyle Choices for the 21st Century. Unpublished manuscript. (30 El Mirador Court, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. FAX 805-594-1839)

_____. 1996b. Utilization: Life Without Standard Economics. Unpublished Manuscript. (30 El Mirador Court, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401. FAX 805-594-1839)

_____. Economics as if people mattered: the Kerala case.  Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 30(4):44-46..

Ali, Ashgar (Engineer), ed. 1995. Kerala Muslims: A Historical Perspective. Delhi: Ajanta Series on Muslim Studies, No. 2.

Anandalakshmy, S. 1997. A man with a mission: taking science to the people. Frontline 13(26):97-98.

Antia, N. H. 1997. Public health for private gain: proposal for new institute. Economic and Political Weekly 32(32)2019-20.

Arun, Shoba, and Thankom Arun. 2002. Gender, ICTs and Development: The case of Kerala, India. Journal of International Development 14:39-50.

_____. 2001. Gender issues in social security policy of developing countries: Lessons from the Kerala experience. International Social Security Review 54(4):93-110.

_____. 2001. Does ownership of land make any difference: The case of Kerala, India, in Gender perspectives on property and inheritance. A global Sourcebook, eds., Sarah Cummings, Henk Van Dam, Angela Khadar and Minke Valk. Gender, Society and Development. KIIT Publishers.

_____, and Thankom Arun. 2001. Gender at work within the Software Industry: An Indian perspective. Journal of Women and Ethnic Minorities in Science and Engineering 7(3):217-231. New York: Begell House.

_____. 2000. Women engineers in Kerala: Lives of Reconciliation’, Conference Proceedings, Women in Engineering, VDI Conference, Braunsweig, Germany. September15-17, 2000.

_____ and Thankom Arun. 2000. Gender at work in the computing field: The case of Kerala India. Conference Proceedings Women and work conference at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada June 8-11, 2000.

_____. 2000. New Technologies and Women in Work, Women, Work and Trade Unions. Seminar Series 1999/2000. The Oxford Women’s Studies Network, Harris Manchester College Oxford, 6-7 July 2000

_____, and T. G. Arun. 2000. Gender and social security policy: The case of Kerala, India. Paper presented at the ESRC Conference at the University of Nottingham, March 27-29, 2000 (with T.G. Arun).

_____. 1998. Domestic labor: Need for alternate conceptions of work. Conference Proceedings, Work, Employment and Society Conference, University of Cambridge, September 1998.

_____. 1998. Gender and social security policy: The case of Kerala, India. Conference Proceedings, Annual Development Studies (DSA) Conference, University of Bradford, September. 1998.

_____. 1998. Social Exclusion and Gender: Social security measures and labour market in Kerala, A meso-level analysis. Conference Proceedings , 16th Annual Labour Conference, School of Management, UMIST, April 1998.

_____. 1998. Gender, State and the Development Process: The Case of Kerala, India. Conference Proceedings, British Association for South Asian Studies (BASAS), University of Manchester, April 1998.

_____. 1997. The Marginalisation of women workers in Kerala. Conference Proceedings, Annual Development Studies Association (DSA) Conference, University of east Anglia. September, 1997.

 Ayrookuzhiel, Abraham A. M., ed. The Dalit Desiyata: the Kerala experience in development and class struggle. Delhi: The Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

Baby, A. A. 1996. Trends in Agricultural Wages in Kerala. Thiruvananthapuram. Centre for Development Studies. Occasional Paper Series.

Balachandran, E. 1998. Kerala: learning the strengths of regionalism. Economic and Political Weekly 33(9):453.

_____. 1998. Airport, airport. Economic and Political Weekly 33(32):2160

Banerjee, Sushanta K., V. Jayachandran, and T. K. Roy. 2002. Has emigration influenced Kerala's living standards? A micro level investigation. Economic and Political Weekly 37(18):1755-65. May 4 2002.

Barraclough, Colin. 1996. Oil and herbs blend well with sun and sea breeze (health resorts in Kerala, India). Insight on the News 2(37):40-41. 30 September 1996.

Bandyopadhyay, D. 1997. People's participation in planning: Kerala experiment. Economic and Political Weekly 32(39):2450-54.

Biju, M. R. 1995. LDF's repeat performance: Kerala's local body elections. Economic and Political Weekly 30(41-42):2550-2552.

Bhaskar, Manu. 1997. Women panchayat members in Kerala: a profile. Economic and Political Weekly 32(17):WS13-WS20.

Casinader, Rex. 1995. Making Kerala model more intelligible: comparisons with Sri Lankan experience. Economic and Political Weekly 30(48):3085-3092.

Chandran, K. Narayana. 1994. Literacy in India and the example of Kerala. Journal of Reading 37(6):514-517.

Chankdrasekhar, C. P., V. K. Ramachandran, and R. Ramakumar. 2001. Issues in School Education in Contemporary Kerala. Paper prepared for UNICEF. Click on title to download from the Macroscan Webpage. Click on next title for Post-May 2001 Update Notes

Chathukulam, Jos, and M. S. John. 2002. Five Years of Participatory Planning in Kerala: Rhetoric and Reality. Economic and Political Weekly 37(49):4917-4926. 7 December 2002.

_____. 2002. The Primacy of Gender in STD and HIV Prevention Programmes: The Case of Female Sexworkers of Kottayam, Kerala. Indian Journal of Gender Studies 9(2):183-202. pdf version.

_____. 2001. Syndromic Management of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Prevention of HIV/AIDS among Female Commercial Sex Workers in Kerala. Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies (Formerly Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies) 20(1/2):5-19. pdf version.

_____. 2000. Empowerment of Women Panchayat Members: Learning from Kerala (India). Asian Journal of Women’s Studies 6(4):66-101. pdf version.

Chattopadhyay, Srikumar. 1988. Urbanization in Kerala. Geographical Review of India 50(2):8-25.

_____. 1995. Infrastructural facilities' role in emergence of Kerala Model. Productivity 36(2):236-245.

_____. 1996. Rubber Cultivation in Kerala: Some Issues in Environmental Perspectives. Trivandrum: Centre for Earth Science Studies.

_____. 2002. Integrated Coastal Zone Management Actionplan of Mararikulam Area: A Discussion Note. Paper presented at the Seminar on Decentralisation, Sustainable Development and Social Security. Organised by the Joint Committee of Panchayats of Aryad and Kanjikuzhy Blocks and the International Labor Organisation. May 2002.

Chen, Marty, and Jean Dreze. 1995. Recent research on widows in India: workshop and conference report. Economic and Political Weekly 39(29):2435-2450.

Chiriyankandath, James. 1993. 'Communities at the Polls': electoral politics and the mobilization of communal groups in Travancore. Modern Asian Studies 27(3):643-665.

Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society. 1990. The Dalit Desiyata: The Kerala Experience in Development and Class Struggle. Delhi: I.S.P.C.K.

Corrie, Bruce P. 1994. The Kerala model of development from the perspective of the dalit child in Kerala. Paper presented at the First International Congress on Kerala Studies. Thiruvananthapuram, 27-29 August 1994.

Corrie, Bruce P. 1997. A human development index for the Dalit child in India. Dalit International Newsletter. June 1997. Pp. 5 and 11.

Das, M. K. 2000. Kerala's decentralised planning: floundering experiment. Economic and Political Weekly 35(49):4300-4303.

Devarajan, G., and T. Mohana Kumar. 1990. Social Reform Movements in Kerala: An Annotated Bibliography of Source Materials. Gurgaon, Haryana: Indian Documentation Service.

Devi, T. 1994. Sexual abuse and poverty: tribal women of Wayanad. Paper presented at the First International Congress on Kerala Studies. Thiruvananthapuram, 27-29 August 1994.

Duggal, Ravi, Sunil Nandraj, and Asha Vadair. 1995. Health expenditure across states -- part 1. Economic and Political Weekly 30(15):834-44.

Eapen, Mridul. 1995. Rural non-agricultural employment in Kerala: Inter-district variations. Economic and Political Weekly 30(12):634-38.

_____. Economic diversification in Kerala: a spatial analysis. Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 293.

2001. Rural Industrialisation in Kerala: Its Dynamics an Local Linkages. Amsterdam: Thela Thesis and New Delhi: Manohar.

Economic and Political Weekly. 1997. Kerala: farm workers'agitation¾ return to politics of confrontation? Economic and Political Weekly (special correspondent) 32(33-34):2089-2090.

_____. 1998. State government versus commercial banks. Economic and Political Weekly (special correspondent) 33(49):3100-3101.

Eswara Prasad, K. V. 1995. Social security for destitute widows in Tamil Nadu. Economic and Political Weekly 39(15):794-96.

Franke, Richard W. 1991. Review essay of Kannan, K. P. 1988. Of rural proletarian struggles: mobilization and organization of rural workers in Southwest India. In Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 23(1):68-73.

_____. 1993. Life Is a Little Better: Redistribution As a Development Strategy in Nadur Village, Kerala. Second edition, 1996. New Delhi: Promilla & Company Publishers. Table of Contents.

_____. 1995. Promoting participation¾ seeking sustainability: the ITK dilemma. Reviews in Anthropology 24:159-168.

_____. 1997. Kerala Dinesh Beedi: The Dynamics of Work and Democracy in an Indian Industrial Cooperative. Presented at the 1997 Socialist Scholars Conference: Radical Alternatives on the Eve of the Millenium. Borough of Manhattan Community College. 30 March 1997.

_____. Lessons in Democracy from Kerala State, India, the Presidential Invited Lecture for University Day, 25 March 1999, Montclair State University.

_____. 2001. Fueling Economic Growth Through Democratic Participation: Three Lessons from Kerala, India. Chautauqua Institution Lecture Series, Week Seven. 10 August 2001.

_____. 2002a. Democratic Decentralization: The Kerala Experience in International Perspective. Presented at the Seminar "A Decade after the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments" A. K. G. Centre for Research and Studies Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 18- 19 May 2002.

_____. 2002b. The Mararikulam Experiment: An International Perspective. Paper presented at the Seminar on Decentralization, Social Security, and Sustainable Development. St. Michael’s College, Chertala, Alappuzha, Kerala, Closing Plenary Session, 13 May, 2002. pdf version.

_____. 2003a. The Mararikulam Experiment: An Illustrated Powerpoint Presentation. January 2003.

_____. 2003b. The Mararikulam Experiment as an Alternative to Corporate-Dominated Globalization. January 2003. (pdf file)

Franke, Richard W. and Barbara H. Chasin. 1990. The Kerala experiment: development without growth. Technology Review 95(3):42-51.

Reprinted in the Italian edition as Sviluppo a fattore comune: L'esperienza del Kerala, pp 40-49.

_____. 1991. Kerala State, India: radical reform as development. Monthly Review 42 (8):1-23. With commentaries by Maria Helena Moreira Alves, Samir Amin, Prabhat Patnaik, and Carlos M. Vilas.

_____. 1992. Kerala State, India: radical reform as development. International Journal of Health Services 22(1):139-56.

_____. 1994a. Kerala: radical reform as development in an Indian state. Oakland, CA: Food First. Second edition. Order On-Line

_____. 1994b. Can life be even a little better? Seminar at the Nadur village library. 20 August 1994.

_____. 1994c. The relevance of the Kerala model in the emerging world order. Presented at the First International Congress on Kerala Studies. Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 27 August 1994.

_____. 1994d. Report on the First International Congress of Kerala Studies, 27-29 August, 1994. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 26(3):72-73.

_____. 1995a. Female-headed households: a continuing agenda for the Kerala model? Presented at the Seminar on Women in Kerala: Past and Present. Government College for Women and AKG Research Centre. Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. 11-12 February 1995.

_____. 1995b. Kerala state: a social justice model. Multinational Monitor 16(7-8):25-28.

_____. 1996a. Female-headed households: a continuing agenda for Kerala model? Economic and Political Weekly 31(10):625-30.

_____. 1996b. Is the Kerala Model sustainable? Lessons from the past, prospects for the future. Paper presented at the International Conference on Kerala's Development Experience: National and Global Dimensions. 9 December, 1996. New Delhi: Institute of Social Sciences.

_____. 1997. Power to the Malayalee people. Economic and Political Weekly 32(48):3061-68.

Click here to access an ascii manuscript version of the above paper with complete references. Click here to go to the web site of the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars to access the paper in html.

_____. 1998. Power to the (Malayalee) People. Z Magazine 11(2):16-20.

_____. 1999. Is the Kerala Model sustainable? Lessons from the past, prospects for the future. In Rethinking development: Kerala's development experience I, pp. 118-48, edited by M. A. Oommen. New Delhi: Institute of Social Sciences and Concept Publishing Company.

_____. 2000a.The Kerala Decentralisation Experiment: Achievements, Origins, Implications. Presented at the International Conference on Democratic Decentralisation. 23-28 May 2000. Kerala University. Thiruvananthapuram. Sponsored by the Kerala State Planning Board.

_____. 2000b. Is the Kerala Model sustainable? Lessons from the past, prospects for the future. In Kerala: the development experience: reflections on sustainability and replicability, pp. 16-39,  edited by Govindan Parayil. London: Zed Press.

_____. 2000c. Notes from the field: the International Conference on Democratic Decentralization. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 34(xx):

_____. 2001. Kerala Fact Sheet. Two-page introduction to Kerala and the Kerala Model.

Frontline. 1996. December 13:109-128: "Special Feature: Kerala."

Frontline. 2003. An emerging threat [communalism]. Frontline 20(4):41-42.

Gadjil, Madhav, and M. D. Subash Chandran. 2000. Scientist as social activist [M. K. Prasad]. Frontline17(10):85-87. 26 May 2000.

Gentes, M. J. 1992. Scandalizing the goddess at Kodungallur. Asian Folklore Studies 51(2):295-322.

George, Jose. 1984. Politicisation of Agricultural Workers in Kerala: A Study of Kuttanad. Calcutta: K. P. Bagchi and Company. Published for Indian Institute for Regional Development Studies, Kottayam.

_____. 1997. Panchayats and participatory planning in Kerala. Indian Journal of Public Administration 43(1):79-92.

George, K. K. 1998. Historical roots of Kerala model and its present crisis. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 30(4):35-40.

George, P. S., and K. N. Nair. 1990. Livestock Economy of Kerala. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies.

Gopalan, C. 1995. Towards food and nutrition security. Economic and Political Weekly 30(52):A124-A141.

Gopinathan Nair, P. R. and P. Mohanan Pillai. 1994. Impact of External Transfers on the Regional Economy of Kerala. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies.

Government of Kerala. 1996. People's Campaign for 9th Plan: An Approach Paper. Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala State Planning Board.

_____. 1996. Power to the Poeple. People's Plan¾ Ninth Plan: A Note, Training Programme for Resources Persons. Thiruvananthapuram: State Planning Board.

Gulati, I. S. 1994. Panchayati Raj and Development. Father Thomas Nedumkallel Memorial Lectures, 1993. Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies.

_____, and Leela Gulati. 1995. Social security for widows: experience in Kerala. Economic and Political Weekly 30(39):2451-2453.

_____, and T. M. Thomas Isaac. 1998. E. M. S. Namboodiripad: Revolutionary Intellectual. Economic and Political Weekly 33(13):689-692.

Gulati, Leela. 1977. Rationing in a peri-urban community: case study of a squatter habitat. Economic and Political Weekly March 10, 1977.

_____. 1980. Female labour in the unorganised sector: profile of a brick worker. Economic and Political Weekly 12 April 1980.

_____. 1981. Profiles in Female Poverty: a Study of Five Working Women in Kerala. Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation and Oxford: Pergamon Press.

_____. 1993. In the absence of their men: the impact of male migration on women. New Delhi: Sage Publications.

_____, and Mitu Gulati. 1993. Remnants of matriliny: widows of two Kerala villages. Manushi 76. May/June 1993.

_____. 1997. Female labour in the unorganised sector: the brick worker revisited. Economic and Political Weekly 32(18):968-71. 3 May 1997.

Gupta, P. L. 1965. The Early Coins from Kerala. Trivandrum. Government of Kerala. Department of Archaeology.

Halliburton, Murphy. 1998. Suicide: a paradox of development in Kerala. Economic and Political Weekly 33(36-37):2341-45.

Harly, Simon L. and M. Santosh. 1995. Wollastonite at Juliyam, Kerala southern India: a reassessment of CO2-infiltration and charnockite formation at a classic locality. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 120(1):83-94.

Harriss, John. 2000. The dialectics of decentralisation. Frontline 17(13):70-71. 7 July 2000.

Heller, Patrick. 1995. From class struggle to class compromise: redistribution and growth in a South Indian state. The Journal of Development Studies 31(5):645-72.

_____. 1996. Social capital as a product of class mobilization and state intervention: industrial workers in Kerala, India. World Development 24(6):1055-1071.

_____. 1998. Problematizing the Kerala Model. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 30(3):33-35. (Reply to Joseph Tharamangalam)

_____. 1999. The labor of development: workers and the transformation of capitalism in Kerala, India. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Hochschild, Adam. 2000. Poetry in brick and mud [about architect Laurie Baker]. Utne Reader 102:84-88, 118-19. Orig. Mother Jones July-Aug. 2000.

Jacob, K. 1993. Folk tales of Kerala. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Limited.

Jaitly, Jaya. 1997. Organising the unorganised in Kerala: case studies of Aruvacode and Kodungallur. Economic and Political Weekly 32(28):1729-36.

James, K. S. 1994. Indian elderly: asset or liability. Economic and Political Weekly 29(36):2335-2339.

_____. 1995. Demographic transition and education in Kerala. Economic and Political Weekly 30(51):3274-76.

Jayasree, R. 1989. Social change and fertility behaviour¾ A Study of Kerala. New Delhi: Concept.

Jeffrey, Robin. 1997. Malayalam: 'The day-to-day social life of the people...'. Economic and Political Weekly 32(1-2):18-21.

_____. 2000. Creating New Civic Culture [Review of Isaac and Franke Local Democracy...]. Economic and Political Weekly 35(49): 4323-24.

Jeromi. P. D. 2003. What Ails Kerala's Economy: A Sectoral Exploration. Economic and Political Weekly38(16):1584-1600.

John, M. S., and Jos Chathukulam. 2002a. Building Social Capital through State Initiative: Participatory Planning in Kerala. Economic and Political Weekly 37(20):1939-48.

_____. 2002b. Presidential Elections and Panchayts. Mainstream 60. 13 July 2002.

Johnson, Barbara C. 1995. Ruby of Cochin: an Indian Jewish woman remembers. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society.

Kabir, M. 1997. Peasants and politics in Malabar. Economic and Political Weekly 32(18):942-50. 3 May 1997. [Review essay of Dilip Menon's Caste, Nationalism and Communism in South India: Malabar, 1900-1948.]

Kabir, M., and T. N. Krishnan. 1996. Social Intermediation and Health Changes: Lessons from Kerala. In Das Gupta, Monica, Lincoln C. Chen, and T. N. Krishnan, eds. Health, Poverty, and Development in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Pp. 239–69.

Kannan, K. P. 1995. Public intervention and poverty alleviation: a study of the declining incidence of poverty in Kerala. Development and Change 26(4):701-727.

_____. 1998. Political economy of labour and development in Kerala. Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 284.

_____. 1999. Poverty alleviation as advancing basic human capabilities: Kerala’s achievements compared. Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 294.

Kapur, Akash. 1998. Poor but prosperous. The Atlantic Monthly 238(3):40-45. September 1998.

Kariyil, Antony. 1995. Church and society in Kerala: a sociological study. New Delhi: Intercultural Press.

Karuna, M. S. 1994. Socioeconomic status of fishermen families in Thiruvananthapuram District. Paper presented at the First International Congress on Kerala Studies. Thiruvananthapuram 27-29 August 1994.

Kattakayam, Jacob John. 1996. Marriage and family among the tribals of Kerala: a study of the Mannans of Idukky District. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 27(3):545-558.

_____. 2001. Social Structure and Change Among the Tribals: Social Structure among the Uralies of Idukki District of Kerala. Delhi: B. R. Publishing Corporation.

Kerala People's Science Movement (KSSP). nd. Group approach for locally adapted and sustainable agriculture (GALASA): preliminary report. Trichur: Environment Centre. KSSP.

Kerala State Land Use Board. 1995. Land resources of Kerala State. Thiruvananthapuram.

Krishnakumar, R. 1996. Waiting for their land: tribal people's cause in Kerala. Frontline 13(18):42-43. September 20, 1996.

_____. 1997. Current crisis: Kerala looks to small hydro power projects. Frontline 14(13):41-42. 11 July 1997.

_____. 2000. State of despair [Suicides in Kerala]. Frontline 17(8):97-100. 28 April 2000.

_____. 2000. A people's movement. Frontline 17(12):114-19. 23 June 2000.

_____. 2001. The battle of Koorachundu. Frontline17(26):98-100. 5 January 2001.

_____. 2001. A Kerala experience [Amartya Sen's Lectures in Kerala]. Frontline 18(1):113-16. 19 January 2001.

_____. 2001. A path-breaking experiment: The Kunnathukal Labour Bank in southern Kerala shows the way to overcome the stagnation in the State's agrarian economy. Frontline 18(6):117-19. 30 March 2001.

_____. 2001. Kerala: a record of sorts. [The May 10 state assembly elections]. Frontline 18(11):

_____. 2001. An index of achievement. [The Idukki District Human Resources Development Report 2000]. Frontline 18(13):

Kumar, Ajit. 1996. Backs to the wall. Down To Earth. December 31 1996:34-35.

_____. Kuttanad: a case in point. Down To Earth December 31 1996:36-37.

Kumar, Rachel. 1994. Development and women's work in Kerala: interactions and paradoxes. Economic and Political Weekly 29(51-52):3249-54.

Kumar, Suresh. 1994. Political evolution in Kerala: Travancore 1859-1938. New Delhi: Phoenix.

Kumary, T. K. Vimala. 1991. Infant mortality among fishermen. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House.

Kurien, C. T. 1994. Global Capitalism and the Indian Economy. New Delhi: Orient Longman. Tracts for the Times, No. 6.

_____. 1995. Kerala's development experiences: random comments about the past and some considerations for the future. Social Scientist 23(1-3):50-69.

Kurien, John. 1991. Ruining the Commons and the Responses of the Commoners: Coastal Overfishing and Fishermen's Actions in Kerala State, India. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development. Discussion Paper 23.

Also published in The Ecologist 23(1):5-11. Jan/Feb 1993.

_____. 1995. Impact of joint ventures on fish economy. Economic and Political Weekly 30(6):300-302.

_____. 1995. Collective action for common property resource rejuvenation: the case of people's artificial reefs in Kerala State, India. Human Organization 54(2):160-168.

_____. 1995. The Kerala Model: its central tendency and the outlier. Social Scientist 23(1-3):70-90.

_____. 1998. Smalll-scale fisheries in the context of globalisation. Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 289.

Kurien, John, and A. J. Vijayan. 1995. Income spreading mechanisms in common property resource: Karanila system in Kerala's fishery. Economic and Political Weekly 30(28):1780-1785.

Kurien, John, and T. R. Thankappan Achari. 1989. On ruining the commons and the commoner: the political economy of over-fishing. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies Working Paper No. 232.

Kurup, K. K. N. 1989. Agrarian struggles in Kerala. Trivandrum. CBH Publications.

Kutty, Raman, V., K. G. Balakrishnan, A. K. Jayasree, and J. Thomas. 1993. Prevalence of coronary heart disease in the rural population of Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala, India. International Journal of Cardiology 39:59-70.

Kutty, Raman, V., R. Das, and K. V. Kumar. 1994. Health of the elderly in a community in transition: A survey in Thiruvananthapuram City, Kerala, India. Health Policy and Planning, 9(3):331-

Kutty, Raman, V., K. R. Thankappan, and K. P. Kannan. 1993. How socioeconomic status affects birth and death rates in rural Kerala, India: results of a health study. International Journal of Health Services 23(2):373-386.

Lalmohan, R. S. 1996. No longer packed.... Down To Earth. December 31 1996:33.

Lelithabhai, K. N. 2000. Role of officials in decision making and functioning of local bodies in the new panchayati raj system: a study with reference to Kerala. Project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of master of business administration. Thrissur: Indira Gandhi National Open University.

Lemercinier, Genevieve. 1994 [orig. 1974]. Religion and ideology in Kerala. Trivandrum. Institute for the Study of Developing Areas and Louvain-la-Neuve. Centre Tricontinental.

_____, and François Houtart. 1995. Social functions of religion in precapitalist societies: the case of Kerala. Social Scientist 23(1-3):91-108.

Logan, William. 1995 [orig. 1887]. The Malabar Manual. New Delhi: Asian Educational Services. 2 volumes.

Mani, Sunil. 1996. Economic liberalisation and Kerala's industrial sector: an assessment of investment opportunities. Economic and Political Weekly 31(34):2323-2330.

Manna, Mausumi. 1998. Factors affecting fertility decline and fertility variation in 1990s: an inter-state analysis. Economic and Political Weekly 33(51):3280-84.

Mathew, E. T. 1995. Educated unemployment in Kerala: some socio-economic aspects. Economic and Political Weekly 30(6):325-35.

_____. 1995. Unemployed and self-employed: job preferences and employment perspectives. Economic and Political Weekly 30(44):2815-2826.

_____. 1997. Employment and unemployment in Kerala: some neglected aspects. New Delhi: Sage.

McKibben, Bill. 1995. Hope, human and wild. Boston: Little Brown and Company.

_____. 1996. The enigma of Kerala: one state in India is proving development experts wrong. Utne Reader. March-April 1996:103-112.

Mencher, Joan P. 1993. Kathleen Gough and research in Kerala. Anthropologica 35:195-201.

_____. 1994. The Kerala model of development: the excluded ones. Paper presented at the First International Congress on Kerala Studies. Thiruvananthapuram, 27-29 August 1994.

Menon, Dilip. 1994. Becoming 'Hindu' and 'Muslim': Identity and conflict in Malabar 1900-1936. Thriuvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 255.

Menon, Parvathi. 2000. Panchayati raj at work. Frontline 17(12):118-19. 23 June 2000.

_____. 2000. Empowering women. Frontline 17(13):65-69. 7 July 2000.

_____. 2000. "A new development culture is coming up." (Interview with T. M. Thomas Isaac). Frontline 17(13): 66-67. 7 July 2000.

Menon, R. D., S. Ajith-Kumar, and M. Santosh. 1994. Fluid inclusions as guides for gem prospecting in the pegmatites of S. Kerala, India. Nat. Symp. on Applied Geochemistry. Madras, March 24.

Menon, Venu. 2000. Kerala: innocence betrayed. A study reveals child prostitution to be flourishing in three cities. Outlook. 4 April 2000.

Mohan, K. T. Ram. 1995. 'Captains of the Sands'¾ Metropolitan hegemony in mining in Tiruvitamkur: 1900-50. Economic and Political Weekly 30(52):3365-72.

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Nair, Dr. A. Balakrishnan. 1994. The government and politics of Kerala. Thiruvananthapuram: Indira Publications.

Nair, M. K. Sukumaran. 1997. Rural labour market in Kerala: small holder agriculture and and labour market dynamics. Economic and Political Weekly 32(35):L45-L52.

Nair, Tara S. 1997. Jeffrey's reading of Malayalam press: a blindfold stab? Economic and Political Weekly 32(35):2184-87.

Nair, V. B. 1994. Social Development and Democgraphic Changes in South India -- Focus on Kerala. New Delhi: MD Publishers.

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_____. 1996. Asian fertility transition: is gender equity in formal occupations an explanatory factor? Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 268.

Narayana, D., K. N. Nair, P. Sivanandan, N. Shanta, and G. N. Rao.1991. Coconut Development in Kerala: Ex-Post Evaluation. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies. Occasional Paper Series.

Nayanar, E. K. 1996. A note on the approach to the ninth plan. New Delhi. National Devleopment Council Meeting. Thiruvananthapuram: Government of Kerala.

Nieuwenhuys, Olga. 2003.Growing up between non-places of childhood and places of work: The uneasy relationship, in: K. F. Olwig and E. Gullov (eds), Children and Place, London and New York: Routledge.

_____. 2001. Kerala: From barricade to schoolbench, Brood en Rozen, Tijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis van de Sociale Bewegingen, 6, 4: 121-144

_____. 2000. The household economy and the commercial exploitation of children’s work, The case of Kerala, in: B. Schlemmer (ed.), The Exploited Child, London and New York: ZED, pp. 278-291

_____. 1999. Children's Lifeworlds, Labour, Gender and Welfare in the Developing World, New -Delhi: Social Science Press, (reprint with a new preface).

_____. 1995. The Domestic economy and the Exploitation of Children's Work, The Case of Kerala, In: International Journal of Children's Rights , 3,2: 213-225

_____. 1994. Children's Lifeworlds, Labour, Gender and Welfare in the Developing World, London and New York: Routledge.

_____. 1993. To Read and not to Eat, South Indian Children Between Secondary School and Work, Childhood 1 (2): 100-109.

_____.1991. Emancipation for Survival: Scheduled Caste Thandans in Kerala, Modern Asian Studies, 25 (3): 599-619.

_____. 1989. Invisible Nets: Women and Children in Kerala's Fisheries, Maritime Anthropological Studies, 2(2), 1989.

_____. 1989. Women, Migrants and Tribals, Survival Strategies in Asia, (Editor, with K. Lieten and L. Schenk-Sandbergen), Delhi: Manohar, 1989 ("Introduction: Survival and Emancipation"( with K. Lieten) and "Of invisibility and Solidarity: Coir Making Girls in Kerala" ).

Omvedt, Gail. 1998. Disturbing aspects of Kerala society. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 30(3):31-33. (Reply to Joseph Tharamangalam)

Oommen, M. A. 1994. Kerala and the new world order: some tentative hypotheses. Paper presented at the First International Congress on Kerala Studies. Thiruvananthapuram, 27-29 August 1994.

_____. 1995. Devolution of Resources from the State to the Panchayati Raj Institutions: Search for a Normative Approach. New Delhi: Institute of Social Sciences.

_____. 1999. Rethinking development: Kerala’s development experience I. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company.

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_____. 1996. The 'Kerala model' of development: development and sustainability in the Third World. Third World Quarterly 17(5):941-57.

_____. 1998. The perils of trying to be objective without being reflexive: the Kerala-Model revisited. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 30(3):28-31. (Reply to Joseph Tharamangalam)

_____. 2000. (ed). Kerala: the development experience. Reflections on sustainability and replicability. London: Zed Books.

Parel, Anthony. 1998. Is the unexamined life worth living, even in Kerala? Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 30(3):35-36. (Reply to Joseph Tharamangalam)

Parpola, Asko. 1999. The iconography and cult of Kutticcattan: field research on the sanskritization of local folk deities in Kerala. In Bronkhorst, Johannnes, and Madhav M. Deshpande, eds., Aryan and Non-Aryan in South Asia: Evidence, Interpretation and Ideology. Cambridge, MA:Harvard Oriental Series Opera Minor Vol. 3. Pp. 175-205.

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Pinto, Ambrose, Berin Leekas, and Latha Radhakrishnan. 1995. 'No fish to eat': impact of liberalisation. Economic and Political Weekly 30(4):204-206.

Pradeep Kumar Panda. 1999. Poverty and young women’s employment: linkages in Kerala. Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 292.

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Prakash, B. A., ed. 1994. Kerala's economy: performance, problems, prospects. New Delhi: Sage Publications.

_____. 1998. Gulf migration and its economic impact: the Kerala experience. Economic and Political Weekly 33(50):3209-13.

_____. 2000. Exodus of Gulf emigrants: return emigrants of Varkala Town in Kerala. Economic and Political Weekly 35(51):4534-40.

_____, ed. 1999. Kerala’s economic development: issues and problems. New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Pushpangadan, K. G. Murugan, and K. Navaneetham. 1996. Travel Time, User Rate, and Cost of Supply: Drinking Water in Rural Kerala, India. Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies Working Paper No. 266.

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Raman Kutty, V. 2000. Historical analysis of the development of health care facilities in Kerala State, India. Health Policy and Planning 15(1):103-109.

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_____. 2000b. Nayar Women Today: The Distintegration of Matrilineal System and Changing Status of Nayar Women in Kerala. New Delhi: Classical.

_____. 2000c. Sthree vada samuhika sastram (coauthor).  In Jancy James, ed. Feminism. Trivandrum: State Institute of Languages, Government of Kerala.

Ratcliffe, John. 1978. Social justice and the demographic transition: lessons from India’s Kerala State. International Journal of Health Services 8(1):123–44.

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Saith, Ashwani. 1992. Absorbing external shocks: the Gulf crisis, international migration linkages, and the Indian economy, 1990 (with special reference to the impact on Kerala). Development and Change 23:101-46.

Sankaranarayanan, R., C. Varghese, S. W. Duffy, G. Padmakumary, and N. E. Day. 1994. A case-control study of diet and lung cancer in Kerala, South India. International Journal of Cancer 58:644-49.

Santhakumar, V., and Nair K. N. 1999. Kerala’s Agriculture by the End of the Twentieth Century: An Interpretation. Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies.

Santhakumar, V., R. Rajagopalan, and S. Ambirajan. 1995. Planning Kerala's irrigation projects: technological prejudice and politics of hope. Economic and Political Weekly 30(12):A30-A38.

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Sarabhai, Mallika. 1994. Performing Arts of Kerala. Ahmedabad: Mapin.

Saradamoni, Kunjulekshmi. 1999. Matriliny Transformed: Family, Law and Ideology in Twentieth Century Travancore. New Delhi: Sage Publications and Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press.

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Shrum, Wesley. 1997. A social network approach to analyzing research systems: a study of Kenya, Ghana, and Kerala (India). International Service for National Agricultural Research. Briefing Paper No. 36.

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Sharma, Kalpana. 1996. The invisible women of Kerala. The Hindu. Weekly edition. 17 March 1996.

Singh, K. K., C. M. Suchindran, Vipin Singh, and R. Ramakumar.19XX. Age at return, marriage, and timing of first birth in India's Uttar Pradesh and Kerala States. Social Biology 39(3):292-298.

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Sreekumar, T. T. 1993. Urban Process in Kerala, 1900-1981. Trivandrum: Centre for Development Studies.

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Stutz, Heidi. 1999. Distributional politics and economic growth¾ insights from reform strategies in the agrarian sector of Kerala (India). M. Phil. Dissertation. Zürich: Universität Zürich Sozialökonomisches Seminar, Abteilung Wirschaftsgeschichte.

Subrahmanian, K. K., and P. Mohanan Pillai. 1994. Liberalisation and small industry: need for new growth strategy in Kerala. Economic and Political Weekly 29(33):2168-74.

Subramony, Dhanalakshmy. 1994. A profile of urban poverty: the case of domestic servants in Thiruvananthapuram City. Paper presented at the First International Congress on Kerala Studies. Thiruvananthapuram, 27-29 August 1994.

Sugeetha, G. 1981. The constitutional progress in Travancore in the 19th and 20th centuries. Journal of Kerala Studies 8:7-27.

_____. 1986. A short account of Udayagiri Fort. Journal of Kerala Studies 13:115-122.

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Suryanarayana, M. H. 1995. PDS reform and scope for commodity-based targeting. Economic and Political Weekly 30(13):687-95.

Swaminathan, Madhura, and V. K. Ramachandran. 1999. New data on calorie intakes. Frontline 16(5):109-11. March 12,

Thankappan, K. R. and V. Ramankutty. 1990. Immunisation coverage in Kerala and the role of Integrated Child Development Services. Health Policy and Planing 5:3.

Tharakan, Michael. 1998. Coffee, tea or pepper? Factors affecting choice of crops by agro-entrepreneurs in nineteenth century south-west India. Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 291.

Tharamangalam, Joseph. 1998. The perils of social development without economic growth: the development debacle of Kerala, India. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 30(1): 23-34.

_____. 1998. A Rejoinder. [Reply to critics of the above article.]Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 30(4):47-52.

Selected articles debating Tharamangalam’s essay. For additional replies, see Vol. 30, No. 3, pages 25-36, or see citations under Franke and Chasin, Govindan Parayil, Gail Omvedt, Patrick Heller, Anthony Parel; and Vol. 30, No. 4, pages 35-52 or see citations under K. K. George, M. P. Parameswaran, Olle Tornquist, and William Alexander. 

Thomas, Suneil. 1996. Kerala, India: A Sustainability Riddle. Undergraduate Honors Thesis. Colorado College. Colorado Springs.

Thomas Isaac, T. M. , by T. M. Thomas Isaac, Michelle Williams, Pinaki Chakraborthy, and Binitha V. Thampi.  2002. Women Neighborhood Groups: Towards a New Perspective. Paper presented at the Seminar on Decentralisation, Sustainable Development and Social Security. Organised by the Joint Committee of Panchayats of Aryad and Kanjikuzhy Blocks and the International Labor Organisation. May 2002. pdf version.

_____. 2000. Local democracy and development: people's campaign for decentralized planning in Kerala. New Delhi: Leftword Books. With Richard W. Franke. Leftword edition available only in South Asia. Overview
Ordering information in South Asia. US and international edition: 2002. Boulder Colorado: Rowman and Littlefield. Order the US edition on-line.

_____, and Michael P. K. Tharakan. 1995. Kerala: towards a new agenda. Economic and Political Weekly 30(31-32):1993-2004.

_____. 1995. Kerala¾ the emerging perspectives: overview of the International Congress on Kerala Studies. Social Scientist 23(1-3):3-36.

_____, Richard W. Franke, and M. P. Parameswaran. 1997. From antifeudalism to sustainable development: the Kerala People's Science Movement. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 29(3):34-44. July-September, 1997.

_____, Richard W. Franke, and Pyaralal Raghavan. 1998. Democracy at work in an Indian industrial cooperative: the story of Kerala Dinesh Beedi. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Order On-Line

_____, and K. N. Harilal. 1997. Planning for empowerment: people's campaign for decentralised planning in Kerala. Economic and Political Weekly 32(1-2):53-58.

_____, P. A. Van Stuijvenberg, and K. N. Nair. 1992. Modernisation and employment: the coir industry in Kerala. New Delhi: Sage Publications. Indo-Dutch Studies on Development Alternatives, No. 10.

_____, and Ram Manohar Reddy. 1992. Estimates of external trade flows of Kerala 1975-76 and 1980-81. Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies. Working Paper No. 246.

Törnquist, Olle. 1998. Making Democratization Work: From Civil Society and Social Capital to Political Inclusion and Politization - Political Reflections on Concrete Cases in Indonesia, Kerala and the Philippines, in Tornquist, Olle and Lars Rudebeck with Virgilio Rojas, eds., Democratization in the Third World: concrete cases in comparative and theoretical perspective. London: MacMillan Press Ltd. Pp. 107-43.

1998. Beyond romanticism: remarkable popular organizing. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 30(4):43-44.

_____, with P. K. Michael Tharakan. 1995. The Next Left? Democratisation and Attempts to Renew the Radical Political Development Project. The Case of Kerala. Copenhagen. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Report Series, No. 24.

This book also appears serialized in Economic and Political Weekly 31(28):1847-58, 31(29):1953-73, and 31(

Trautmann, Thomas R. 1995 [orig 1981]. Dravidian kinship. Walnut Creek, CA.: Altamira Press.

Ukkuru, Mary P., Jyothi Augustine, Prema L., and Sujatha A. 1994. Working pattern and nutritional profiles of women engaged in stone breaking. Paper presented at the First International Congress on Kerala Studies. Thiruvananthapuram, 27-29 August 1994.

Unnithan, N. Prabha. 1998. Nayars: tradition and change in marriage and fertility. In Womack, Mari. 1998. Being human: an introduction to cultural anthropology. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, pp. 348-54.

Uly, Marion den. 1995. Invisible barriers: gender, caste, and kinship in a southern Indian village. Utrecht: International Books.

Velayudhan, Meera. 1998. Reform, law and gendered identity: marriage among Ezhavas of Kerala. Economic and Political Weekly 33(38):2480-83.

Velkoff, Victoria. 1998. Women's education in India. U. S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration. Bureau of the Census. WID/98-1.

Velkoff, Victoria, and Arjun Adlakha. 1998. Women's health in India. U. S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration. Bureau of the Census. WID/98-3.

Venugopal, K. R. 1992. Deliverance from hunger: the public distribution system in India. New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Vijayan, Abraham. 1998. Caste, class and agrarian relations in Kerala. New Delhi: Reliance Publishing House.

Viswanath, Leela. 1993. Social mobility among scheduled caste women in India¾ a study of Kerala. New Delhi: Uppal.

Visvanathan, Susan. 1986. Reconstruction of the past among the Syrian Christians of Kerala. Contributions to Indian Sociology (n.s.) 20(2):241-260.

_____. 1993. The Christians of Kerala¾ history, belief and ritual among the Yakoba. Madras: Oxford University Press.

Weil, Shalva. 1982. Symmetry between Christians and Jews in India: the Cananite Christians and the Cochin Jews of Kerala. Contributions to Indian Sociology (n.s.) 16(2):175-196.

Werff, Peter Van der. 1992. Modern poverty: the culture of distribution and structural unemployment in the foothills of Kerala. New Delhi: Manohar Publications.

Women's International Network News. 1992. India: the status of women in Kerala. 18(3):57-58

Wood, Ananda. 1985. Knowledge before printing and after: the Indian tradition in changing Kerala. Delhi: Oxford University Press.

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