Assignment on the No Gun Ri Massacre (July, 1950)

     On September 30, 1999, the Associated Press broke a very big, and
very unusual, story. It revealed, with extensive documentation, a
large-scale massacre of South Korean civilians by American forces of
the First Cavalry Division at No Gun Ri, South Korea, in July, 1950,
in the first month of the Korean War.

     Please read over, very carefully, the Associated Press articles
associated with this story. They are all linked 

     Be sure to read everything: Story - Background - Documents - Maps
- Photos - Victims. Watch the videos if you have time. Those by
surviving American soldiers, and by surviving South Korean victims,
are especially moving. All these links are at the bottom of the page

     Please write 300 words about this story. I'd like you to
concentrate on _similarities_ you may already see between the Vietnam
War and the Korean War. 

     Email to your group and to me.