Historical Background of
The Gabriel Prosser Slave Revolt
from Herbert Aptheker, American Negro Slave Revolts, new edition, New York: International Publishers, 1974, pages 219-226 (original edition: Columbia University Press, 1943).
Probably the most fateful year in the
history of American Negro slave revolts is that of 1800, for it
was then that Nat Turner and John Brown were born, that Denmark
Vesey bought his freedom, and it was then that the great
conspiracy named after Gabriel, slave of Tomas H. Prosser of
Henrico Country, Virginia, occurred.
This Gabriel, the chosen leader of the
rebellious slaves, was a twenty-four year old giant of six feet
two inches, "a fellow of courage and intellect above his
rank in life," who had intended "to purchase a piece of
silk for a flag, on which they /220/ would have written 'death or
liberty.'." Another leader was Jack Bowler, four years older
and three inches taller than Gabriel, who felt that "we had
as much right to fight for our liberty as any men."
Gabriel's wife, Nanny, was active, too, as were his brothers,
Solomon and Martin. The former conducted the sword making, and
the latter bitterly opposed all suggestion of delaying the
outbreak, declaring, "Before he would any longer bear what
he had borne, he would turn out and fight with his stick."
The conspiracy was well-formed by the
spring of 1800, and there is a hint that wind of it early reached
Governor Monroe, for in a letter to Thomas Jefferson, dated April
22, he referred to "fears of a negro insurrection."
Crude swords and bayonets as well as about 500 bullets were made
by the slaves through the spring, and each Sunday Gabriel entered
Richmond, impressing the city's features upon his mind and paying
particular attention to the location of arms and ammunition.
Yet, as Callender wrote, it was
"kept with incredible Secrecy for several months," and
the next notice of apprehensions of revolt appears in a letter of
August 9 from Mr. J. Grammer of Petersburg to Mr. Augustine Davis
of Richmond. This letter was given to the distinguished Dr. James
McClurg, who in /221/ formed the military authorities and the
Governor. The next disclosure came during the afternoon of the
day, Saturday, August 30, set for the rebellion and was made by
Mr. Mosby Sheppard, whose slaves, Tom and Pharoah, had told him
of the plot.
Monroe, seeing that speed was necessary
and secrecy impossible, acted quickly and openly. He appointed
three aides for himself, asked for and received the use of the
federal armory at Manchester, posted cannon at the capitol,
called into service well over six hundred and fifty men, and gave
notice of the plot to every militia commander in the State.
"But," as a contemporary
upon that every evening just about Sunset, there came on the most terrible thunder accompanied with an enormous rain, that I ever witnessed in this State. Between Prosser's and Richmond, there is a place called Brook Swamp which runs across the high road, and over which there was a [MS torn] bridge. By this, the africans were of necessity to pass, and the rain had made the passage impracticable.
Nevertheless about one thousand slaves,
some mounted, armed with clubs, scythes, home-made bayonets, and
a few guns, did appear at an agreed-upon rendezvous six miles
outside the City, but, as already noted, attack was not possible,
and /222/ the slaves disbanded. As a matter of fact even
defensive measures, though attempted, could not be executed.
The next few days the mobilized might
of an aroused slave State went into action and scores of Negroes
were arrested. Gabriel had attempted to escape via a schooner,
Mary, but when in Norfolk on September 25, he was recognized and
betrayed by two Negroes, captured, and brought back, in chains,
to Richmond. He was quickly convicted and sentenced to hang, but
the execution was postponed until October 7, in the hope that he
would talk. James Monroe personally interviewed him, but
reported, "From what he said to me, he seemed to have made
up his mind to die, and to have resolved to say but little on the
subject of the conspiracy."
Along with Gabriel fifteen other rebels
were hanged on the seventh of October. Twenty-one were reported
to have been executed prior to this, and four more were scheduled
to die after October 7. A precise number of those executed cannot
be given with certainty, but it appears likely that at least
thirty-five Negroes were hanged, four condemned slaves escaped
from prison (and no reference to their recapture has been seen),
while one committed suicide in prison. /223/
These Negroes, who were conscious
revolutionists, behaved nobly. A resident of Richmond declared,
in a letter of September 20, 1800, "Of those who have been
executed, no one has betrayed his cause. They have uniformly met
death with fortitude." An eminent eye-witness of the rebels'
conduct while in custody, John Randolph, six days later, stated,
"The accused have exhibited a spirit, which, if it becomes
general, must deluge the Southern country in blood. They
manifested a sense of their rights, and contempt of danger, and a
thirst for revenge which portend the most unhappy
consequences." Monroe's laconic comment concerning his
interview with Gabriel a short time before the latter's
execution, has already been quoted.
Such testimony adds credibility to the
story told by an Englishman who visited Virginia in 1804. On the
afternoon of September 25 of that year, as he tells the tale,
I passed by a field [near Richmond] in which several poor slaves had lately been executed, on the charge of having an intention to rise against their masters. A lawyer who was present at their trials at Richmond, informed me that on one of them being asked, what he had to say to the court in his defence, he replied, in a manly tone of voice: " I have nothing more to offer /224/ than what General Washington would have had to offer, had he been taken by the British and put to trial by them. I have adventured my life in endeavouring to obtain the liberty of my countrymen, and am a willing sacrifice to their cause: and I beg, as a favour, that I may be immediately led to execution. I know that you have pre-determined to shed my blood, why then all this mockery of a trial?"
The character of the rebels and their
aim caused conscience-searching n the part of the one-time rebel
who was at the moment Governor. He wrote to another who had
played a leading role in a bloody revolution, written an immortal
manifesto of rebellion and was at the moment the key-figure in a
bloodless revolution -- the Presidential campaign of 1800; James
Monroe wrote to Thomas Jefferson asking his advice about the
execution of the Negro leaders. Mr. Jefferson replied: "The
other states & the world at large will forever condemn us if
we indulge a principle of revenge, or go one step beyond absolute
necessity. They cannot lose sight of the rights of the two
parties, & the object of the unsuccessful one." Ten of
the condemned slaves were reprieved and banished.
As has been previously mentioned (and
this again is an indication of the attitude of the slaves),
Methodists, Quakers, and Frenchmen were to be spared by the
rebels. It is also very /225/ interesting to observe that the
Negroes expected or, at least, hoped that the poorer whites would
aid them in their effort to destroy the system of slavery. The
Negroes had been aware, too, of the strained relations between
the United States and France, which from 1797 to 1799, had
brought the two nations to the thoroughly modern stage of
undeclared war, leading the slaves to hope for French assistance.
And the very recent reductions in the Federal army, following
improvement in those relations, were also noticed and used as an
argument against postponement of the uprising. It had been
planned, too, to recruit allies from among the Catawba Indians.
It is difficult to say just how many
slaves were involved in this conspiracy. One witness at the
trials said two thousand, another six thousand, and a third ten
thousand. The Governor of Mississippi Territory said fifty
thousand. Monroe, himself, asserted: /226/
It was distinctly seen that it embraced most of the slaves in this city [Richmond] and neighbourhood, and that the combination extended to several of the adjacent counties, Hanover, Caroline, Louisa, Chesterfield, and to the neighbourhood of the Point of the Fork; and there was good cause to believe that the knowledge of such a project pervaded other parts, if not the whole of the State.
Although Monroe was of the opinion that
the plot did not extend beyond the borders of his State, there
were repercussions elsewhere. There were rumors of rebelliousness
in North Carolina, but what foundation in fact these may have had
is unclear. It is, however, a fact that at the trials of the
Virginia rebels, a slave did testify that he had asked Gabriel
whether he or Jack Bowler was versed in the art of war, and that
Gabriel had replied in the negative, but had declared that
"a man from North Carolina, who was at the siege [sic] of
York town" was to be with them and provide the necessary
technical knowledge.
http://chss.montclair.edu/english/furr/spl/gabrielrevolt.html | furrg@alpha.montclair.edu | last modified 15 Feb 98