Assignment on The District Commissioner
Please read, carefully:
- Chapter 16, 1st paragraph;
- Chapter 18 (2nd page?): "These outcasts, or _osu_..." to "... began to
- (Chapter 18) (2 pages further along): "The two outcasts shaved ... followed their
- Chapter 17, the story of Nneka.
But, for your WRITTEN assignment, please do the following:
- read the passage in Chapter 23 (p. 178, in Fawcett ed.), "We shall not do you any
harm.." to ".. what do you say to that?"
- Be sure to read through at least the previous chapter, Ch. 22, to refresh your
memory about what precipitated these events -- what led up to them, "who did what to
whom," etc.
Please ANALYSE this passage -- write 300 words or a bit more about it. Email it to me
and to your group.
Then please read carefully and be prepared to discuss the following passages:
Ch. 8 - Okonkwo and Ezinma - pp. 63-65 -1st 3 paragraphs.
Ch. 8 - death of Ogbuefi Ndulue and his wife Ozoemena - p. 67-68
Ch. 10 - trial of Uzowulu
Ch. 14 - Uchendu's talk to Okonkwo - pp. 133-134