(ENLT 206-01 MW 8:30-9:45 am PA-110)
I plan to put on this page links to all kinds of course information and
other material related to the readings in this course.
Please let me know if you find any relevant sites on the Internet that other students
should know about.
How to E-mail an Essay |
Streaming Audio Instructions | MSU Computer Lab Schedules | Be sure to "send a copy to yourself" of ALL your homework assignments! |
Instructions for Off-Campus Access to Electronic Databases at Sprague Library |
* I present these eight themes or topics to you at the beginning of the course. You'll find them in these and many, many other novels and literature from formerly colonial countries.
In addition, here are Links to other sites that are relevant to our course. This is really what you'll find on the rest of this page -- you can get to the other materials by "jumping" from the links above
Here are some good readings that will help you understand the concept of imperialism, how it works, and how important it is to understand it if you are to ever understand what's going on in the world!
Email me with comments, criticisms, questions, problems.
1. You must have at least two e-mail addresses for this course.
2. You MUST use the MSU mail email account for this course. It is "free" -- i.e. you have already paid for it in your tuition.
To set up this account, go here.
NOTE: To use your MSU email, go to http://webmail.montclair.edu
You also need a second email account, for emergency use only, in case the MSU mail server breaks down. If you don't have one already, you can get free email.
To get free web-based e-mail, go to one of these two indexes:
3. You must have at least two ISPs for this course, in case one of them "goes down." You are responsible for emailing your work on time even if your ISP is not working. So, you have to have at least two of them.
4. You MUST set up the MSU ISP on your home/dorm computer. It is "free" too (already paid for).
To set up the MSU ISP, go here.
You will need to use the MSU ISP to access some of the databases we will use in this course.
5. You will also need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader on your home/dorm computer. (It is already on all the computer lab computers at MSU). Download it from this page.
Whenever you email me, use the proper subject line: Subj: Yourlastname WL date assignment is due For example, if your last name is 'Robertson' and your are emailing me the assignment for September 22, Subj: Robertson WL September 22 (or, 9/22, or Sp 22, etc.) If you don't, I'll forward your e-mail right back to you. Be sure to "send a copy to yourself" of ALL your homework assignments!