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245) What can be done to avoid a global disaster?
Ludwik Kowalski (8/2/05)
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ, 07043
Discussing energy-related issues (on phys-L, a website for physics teachers) one contributor asked three questions. The replies posted by another
teacher (see below) are interesting and worth showing here.
1) By how much would the emission of CO2 etc. be reduced if 100% of US electricity were from nuclear
Not likely to happen. Currently we get over 60% of our electricity from coal and about 15% from nuclear. We would need on the order of 300 new
nuclear plants to take over the coal burden. It is also the case that our energy demand for electricity is increasing (as a percentage of total
energy use) even though the electrical usage is only on the order of 20% of total usage [actual values depend on whether you look at gross or net
usage.] Even with the incentives of the new energy plan, it could be 10 years before the first new nuclear plant would be built.
2) By how much would the emission of CO2 etc. be reduced if 100% of US vehicles were powered from rechargeable electric batteries
(using nuclear electricity)?
Not likely because of the lack of progress in battery technology. Fuel cells (run on hydrogen separated by electricity from water) are a
possibility, but current prototype vehicles run hundreds of thousands of dollars. There is the whole infra-structure, chicken & egg thing
here too--you can't sell hydrogren powered cars (combustion or fuel cell) until there is a wide spread network of hydrogen 'filling stations' and
who will build those if there are no hydrogen powered cars to buy the fuel.
3) By how much would the emission of CO2 etc. be reduced if we used trains and busses instead of automobiles?
The infra-structure cost of mass transit (other than busses) is just too prohibitive to expect to see much happening without some kind of major
federal program feeding billions of dollars into such a project. [New urban rail project go for 50-500 million per mile.] Getting people to
ride busses is not going to be easy either. However, one CAN reduce gasoline usage by 30-40% just through car-pooling [70% of our driving is
done commuting to work]. Agressive programs could do a lot with this without any infrastructure costs. However, there will be GREAT opposition
to any reduction in 'driving freedoms.' We've built an entire culture (and a large chunk of our economy) based on the automobile, and moving
away from such will be very difficult and disruptive to the economy (short term at least).
For actual numbers the web. <> is the place to find all the information you would need. The bottom line to
all of this is that there won't be any quick and drastic cuts in CO2 emmissions from the U.S. or from the world for that matter.
Weaning our energy systems off of the fossile fuels (currently 90% of supply) will take 50 year at best and more likely will take most of this
Century to accomplish. However, it is by no means certain that we can actually totally replace our fossil fuel energy with 'green technologies'
and even less certain that we could do this for 9 billion people all living at a 'western' standard of living. There are money, land usage, and
materials problems with scaling up any of the current 'clean' energy technologies to really take over from coal, oil, and natural gas. . . .
Try one of my newer Energy Management Simulators to get a feel for the problem--see web site below.
Professor of Physics
Saint Mary's College
Notre Dame, Indiana
Free Physics Instructional Software
Windows & Mac
New Energy Management Simulation software just posted.
Appended on 8/3/05:
The discussion is going on. Teacher #3 wrote:
Some discussion of energy reserves and the exhaustion thereof can be found at:
which is based on a calculation that can be found at
This concludes that "switching to coal" is not much of an "alternative". Extrapolating current usage suggests that coal will last longer than oil, but
not much longer ... and switching doesn't solve the main problem, namely exhaustion of the *total* fossil energy reserves. U235 doesn't change the
story very much, either, because there's not enough of it.
IMHO this is a methodical and dispassionate analysis. If you disagree with the raw data, please provide better data. If you disagree with the method
of analysis, please present a more-meticulous analysis. I've presented my evidence in detail. I see no reason to consider it a paranoid fairy tale.
If you have evidence to the contrary, let's see the evidence.
And here is what Richard Tarara wrote to me in private, after I asked him if it is OK to show his name and affilation on the CF website.
You can use my name and affiliation AND my web page (see signature below).
Actually, what my simulators and my class project seem to show is that we
CAN change over to green tech on a 100-125 year schedule, at least some
countries can. It will be expensive, but according to an economist (Kevin
Laws--Pricilla's son) who frequents the PhysSoc list, not unreasonably so.
The big problem for some will be land--Japan can afford the technology but
has no place to put it. Western Europe can afford it, Eastern Europe has
the land---seems like a marriage proposal to me. Russia and India can't
afford it.
The model is primarily one without a Deus Ex Machina--no cheap fusion (hot
or cold)--no other rabbit from the hat [recognizing Nuclear as the only new
energy technology of the 20th Century suggests the strong possibility that
we are stuck with what we've got.] The scenario is to eliminate oil and
natural gas in 100-150 years. Coal and Nuclear can play a role, but
ultimately should be phased out as well. That leaves Hydro (minor
contribution), Geothermal (likewise), Biomass (land intensive), Wind and
Solar. The latter two must carry most of the load, but neither are energy
on demand resources. In our model, besides the direct use of electricity
from each, additional wind and solar sites are used to produce hydrogen
which is piped (a $5 trillion infrastructure upgrade) throughout the
country to be used in place of natural gas, as a portable fuel (combustion
or fuel cell), and perhaps to power traditional HIGH DENSITY thermal power
plants. The latter would be very convenient in say the East Coast corridor
with the high population density, but suffers from ending up at about 25%
efficiency considering the initial output of the wind generators or solar
cells then taken through the hydrolysis process, piped hydrogen to the
east, then the 33% efficiency of a typical thermal-electric plant.
The bottom line for the U.S. is it will cost $200-400 billion per year and
end up using maybe 20% of our land area to provide the current per capita
energy levels (with corrections for efficiency and conservation changes)
for a population of 450-500 million people. All that can be done with the
will to do it. The model works for other areas as well--Europe for
example--but fails in places like Japan, Indian, and Russia.
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