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247) Magnetic forces and coulomb barrier penetration
Ludwik Kowalski (8/10/05)
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ, 07043
It is well known that electrically charged objects acquire magnetic poles (N and S) when they rotate. The N and S poles, situated on the axis of
rotation, become stronger when the angular momentum increases. Note that I am saying rotating rather than spinning because
it is not a quantum mechanical consideration. Yes, I know that laws of classical physics do not always apply at the subatomic level. The concept
of magnetic poles is used because I believe in its pedagogical usefulness. Those who played with bar magnets, or with compass needles, knows that
unlike poles attract each other while like poles repel each other. That is all I need to show how rapid rotation can help charged
particles to penetrate coulomb barriers.
Deuterons are positively charged. Suppose that two deuterons are rotating. Also suppose that the angular momenta are anti-parallel. By this I mean
that the axes of rotation are parallel but one direction is clockwise while another is counterclockwise, when seen from the same side. In other
words, if the N pole of one deuteron is up then the N pole of the other is down, and vice versa. Under such condition the particles would not only
repel each other (due to positive electric charges); they would also attract each other (like two anti-parallel bar magnets). The net force between
them would be reduced in comparison with what it would be without rotation. By increasing the angular momentum one would reduce the net repulsive
force. The probability of fusion (at a low energy of relative motion) is thus expected to increase with angular momenta.
How large should the rotational angular momenta be to significantly increase the probability of fusion? And what kind of NAE (nuclear active
environment) would produces rotating nuclei? I asked these two questions on the CMNS list. I would be happy to post the replies (anonymously), if
they materialize. Please revisit this unit in a couple of days.
Appended on 8/11/05:
1) Here is one comment, sent to me in private: In a particle physics this is called interaction between polarized
deuterons. I do not remember exact numbers. But I do remember that the cross section of the DD reaction does not change a lot (factor
2 maximum for some energy range) for flip and non flip states of polarized deuterons in a wide energy range of interacting deuterons.
I would prefer this to be posted on the list, to see what others have to say. But private messages are welcome. I suppose that the above comment
refers to free deuterons. Deuterons studied by cold fusion researches are usually not free; they are trapped in solids. Some CF researchers say
that one should not extrapolate from free deuterons to deuterons in solids.
2) What I posted was inspired by a message on the CMNS list. This message is worth showing here, I think. I agree,
reproducibility is important, but it is not the main problem. The main problem is to understand the environment and mechanism that results in
nuclear reactions. Without this knowledge, replication remains difficult. In addition, when replication is achieved, it is rejected because
success looks like random chance rather than intention. Also, as long as replication involves measuring energy using a calorimeter, the result
will be rejected simply because orthodox physics does not trust [low wattage] calorimeters. In fact, I don't trust most calorimeters. Painful
experience has shown me that too many ways exist to screw up. Besides, a standard calorimeter does not exist, like a standard radiation detector.
As a result, an ordinary physicist has to master each new calorimeter in order to trust the data. I suggest the only calorimeter type that is
sufficiently simple for physicists to understand is the Seebeck-type, which is seldom used.
So, what is the solution? First of all, I think everyone needs to acknowledge that CANR does not occur in ordinary materials under ordinary
conditions. Replication is difficult because this special material is not normally present and needs to be made before the effect can be produced.
Second, any theory that is based on ordinary material, like PdD, or on special and unproven mechanisms, like ZPE extraction, must be viewed with
skepticism. In fact, skeptics reject the claims simply because such theories are used to explain the observations.
If we want orthodox physics to take the field seriously and achieve reproducibility, we need to address the real world, not the limited and
imaginary world proposed by many in the field. CANR has to be recognized as a normal process that is part of normal science, but one that occurs
only because a special atomic lattice is available. The challenge is to understand what makes this lattice unique and what mechanisms are only
initiated within this nuclear-active-environment. In addition, all of the novel observations need to be explain, not just a few that are easy for
a particular model to address. After all, how many independent mechanisms and environments do you think are operating? OK, I've thrown down the
challenge - what do you all think of this approach?
Let me mention that a low wattage calorimeter was used , by Pierre Curie in 1903, to discover the unexplained heat produced in his radium
source. Likewise, the theoretical discovery of neutrinos (by Pauli) was an attempt to make sense out of calorimetric data on heat from a beta
radioactive source. I was under the impression that all scientists have great respect for calorimetry. But calorimetry at low wattage is far
from being trivial; the person who wrote the above is one of the top experts in that field.
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