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268) A message from a reader
Ludwik Kowalski (11/9/05)
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ, 07043
Several weeks ago I asked a reader of this website for a permission to quote a message received from him. That permission
was given but I forgot to append it to the unit on which I was working at the time. But I did post his message on a private list of
cold fusion researchers. In doing this I suggested that somebody might be interested to discuss the topic with the author, Dean
Sinclair, PhD in chemistry.
To keep my promise I am creating this unit. It is the trace of my correspondence with him. On Oct. 20, 2005, at 4:55 PM, Dean Sinclair
> Dear Dr. Kowalski-
> The more I examine the information about cold fusion, the more
> it appears to me that the most probable explanation of the phenomenon
> is the Palladium catalyzed conversion of D:D to He4 along with an
> overlooked concurrent Pd catalyzed conversion of H:H to Deuterium
> atoms. It is very possible that the electrical field is not necessary
> and the electrolytic cell is serving only to furnish D:D for
> conversion.
> It is possible that Hydrogen gas forced through a thin sheet of
> Palladium would show Deuterium enrichment on the other side and a
> temperature rise of the Palladium barrier. Similarly, if Hydrogen gas
> heavily enriched with Deuterium were forced through a Palladium
> barrier, it would not be surprising to see heat, Tritium, He3 and He4
> produced. In so far as I can tell, no one has considered the
> molecule to "atomic isomer" transformations as a possible explanation
> of the phenomenon.
> If one looks at the published data re size and mass of the
> electron and the proton one finds an interesting situation. We usually
> think of the proton as being large and massive and the electron small
> and light. However, if the electron were scaled up to a 1 cm. water
> balloon, the proton would be more like a 100 meter soap bubble!
> You're undoubtedly a better mathematician than I , so you probably
> can work out a better comparison than that. The point is that the
> mass and charge density of the electron is many times that of the
> proton, indeed, the disparity is so great that there seems no reason
> at all that electrons cannot pass freely through protons. Similarly,
> two protons would have to approach to about the diameter of an
> electron to experience the same repulsive forces as two electrons
> colliding. In other words, there is a fair chance that a
> Hydrogen Molecule spends at least some time in the same configuration
> as a Deuterium atom, but does not stabilize to that form because of
> the vibrational energy content...,.(This could be considered as
> essentially the same reason that absolutely pure gaseous water will
> not condense to liquid droplets ......) The same kind of analysis
> applies to the D:D, He4 system and the H:D to Tritium possible
> conversion....Best Wishes, Dean L. Sinclair, BA, MS, PhD
My replying to the above was: I asked:
1) Can I have permission to append your last message to the next unit
on my website?
2) Would be OK to add this sentence:
From previous correspondence with Dean, whose life circumstances are
not favorable to conduct research, I am nearly certain that he would be
happy to receive comments. Here is his email address:
Dr. Siclair wrote Sure, go ahead. Thanks.
On Nov 4, 2005, at 4:25 PM, dean sinclair wrote:
Hi, Ludwik,
I was just looking at a couple of the papers on your site. It seems that no one has pointed out that, in the "relativity" of
nuclear particles the proton actually has a very small charge density in comparison to the electron, and an much smaller mass density.
There seems no reason that electron orbitals could not pass right through the protons. Also, there seems no reason that protons cannot
interpenetrate far more than is usually thought. The "Coulumbic barrier" to intereaction may be virtually
nonexistent. Ciao. Dean L. Sinclair
My reply was simple: Thanks for the comment. Interesting. But discussing such things is far above my level
of confidence. That was my last message to Dean. And his last, very informal, message was: Oh, well,
discussing such things is probably well beyond my level of COMPETENCE, but I'm stupid enough or crazy enough.....
Perhaps a theoretically inclined person will contact Dr. Sinclair and discusses the topics with him. Once again I apologize for not posting
his first message earlier.
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