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73) Reproducible Excess Heat
Ludwik Kowalski (June 29, 2003)
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ, 07043
What a coincidence. Yesterday I posted an item about Mizunos work in Japan. Today I found a very recent French report confirming Mizunos results. I have no idea who the author (Jean-Louis Naudin from JLN-Labs) is. I will assume that he is a student because in one place he writes: I am very grateful to Professor Pierre Clauzon for his contribution to the CFR project and his help during some CFR tests runs and also to Professor Jean-François Fauvarque and Gérard Lallevé from the " Laboratoire d'Electrochimie Industrielle" of the CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers ) from Paris, for their scientific support and their contribution to this project. At his website at:
Jean-Louis summarizes results of 33 runs of excess heat experiments completed only four days ago (on June 25, 2003). He writes: Today, I can say that the Mizuno-Ohomori's Cold Fusion Reactor is fully replaceable and that it works very well as described in their papers. You will find below the latest measurements results that I have performed since May 7th, 2003
I was not able to follow details but conclusions are very impressive. In run 28, for example, when 170 grams of water were evaporated, the electric energy was supplied to the setup at the rate of 1200W while heat was generated at the rate of 3093 W. The blue line in the last figure, showing what would happen if there were no excess heat, is significantly different from the red line representing the results of real calorimetric measurements. See for additional details.
In my opinion the results are reasonably reproducible, as far as reported data from 33 runs are concerned. But will they be reproduced by other researchers? The blank run seems to indicate the absence of a systematic error. This reminded me Karabuts data (item 13 on my list). Naturally, skeptical accusations raised about Mizuno data (see item 72 on my list) can also be raised about Naudins data.
After posting the above I sent an email message to Jean-Louis. The reply was: Thanks for putting a link to my Cold Fusion replication experiment... For your information, I am not a student as you have supposed ( I am 45 years old... ), I work in my own and private lab and some French physicists work closely with me in this field of research...