Econometric Software Resources

Jacquard Automatic Loom,

ca. 1840

After Joseph Marie Jacquard (1752-1834), a silk weaver in Lyon, France, the Jacquard loom is considered to be one of the first programmable machine tools, an important step in the development of computing technology. Smithsonian Museum, Washington, D.C.

Eniac Electronic Computer,

December 1945.

Dimensions: 27 metric tons, 167.23 square meters of floor space, 17,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors, 6,000 manual switches, no memory storage capacity. Cost in 1945 dollars: $500,000. National Museum of American History Collection, Smithsonian Museum, Washington, D.C.



Apple iMac G3 Computer


Dimensions: 18 kilogram weight, 1 square meter of floor space, no vacuum tubes, 32 megabytes of random access memory, high resolution color monitor, 2 gigabyte hard drive, 56k internal modem, 233 megahertz speed, 24x cd-rom drive, internet and basic applications software included. Cost in 1999 dollars: $1,000



 Econometric software grows in sophistication as new applications and technology evolve. Where statistics and econometrics once used mainframe computers and batch cards as an advance over mechanical desktop calculators, today's computers can handle ever increasing complexity and speed in calculation. The late Wassily Leontief (1906-1999) once wrote in an article in Scientific American back in the early 1960's that the then Mark IV computer at Harvard University took over a day to invert a 20x20 input-output matrix. The random access memory capacity of the Mark IV was rated at 4k, a machine that then cost U.S. $5 million dollars. Simple spreadsheets today can invert matrices of between 40 and 60 square units in a matter of minutes, and at a fraction of the cost of a comparable calculation 30 years ago. As the cost of computational complexity continues to fall, we can anticipate further advances in the natural, physical, and social sciences, and for which economics will continue to benefit.

Statistical Software



 Shazam  Shazam  PC, Mac, Sun
 Stata  Stata Corporation  PC, Mac, Sun
 EViews, MicroTSP  Quantitative Micro Software PC, Mac
 SAS  SAS Institute  PC, Mac
 TSP  TSP International  PC, Mac
 SPSS, Systat, DeltaGraph  SPSS, Inc. PC, Mac
 RATS  Estima Corporation  PC, Mac
 Statistica  StatSoft, Inc.  PC, Mac
GB-Stat (spreadsheet)  Dynamic Microsystems  PC, Mac
 GAUSS  Aptech Systems, Inc.  PC, Sun
 LIMDEP  Econometric Software PC
 VORSIM (spreadsheet)  Vernon Oley Roningen  PC
 SST  U. California Berkeley  PC
Statgraphics Statistical Graphics Corporation PC
Betahat LF Software PC

 Mathematical Programming Software



 Maple  Waterloo Maple, Inc.  PC, Mac, Sun
 MathCad  MathSoft, Inc.  PC, Mac
 Mathematica  Wolfram, Inc.  PC, Mac
 MATLAB  The MathWorks, Inc.  PC

 Additional Links
 Rainer Wuerlaender  Commercial, Share, Freeware Listings
 James MacKinnon Reviews  Journal of Applied Econometrics
 Computers in Teaching Initiatives  U.K. review source
 Econometrics Laboratory Software Archive  University of California Berkeley
 CodEc Programs for Economics  NetEc (U.K. and U.S.)

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