Student Introduction    

Interview in groups of 3 to 4, and be prepared to introduce someone else you talked to about their: 

Course Introduction: HONP 101 (Great Books/Ideas II):  Nature, Sensibility, and Revolution

Course Goals 

In-class Free Write on Revolution

Write for 5-10 minutes on the following question:

In what specific (biological, ecological, cultural, political) ways does society need to change, in your opinion, to promote equality among all classes, genders, and races?

ENLT 536


Rousseau's Discourse on the Origin of Inequality addresses the question: "What is the origin of inequality among men, and is it authorized by the natural law?" (Rousseau 16). 

What's Rousseau's answer to this question? Find a passage that supports your summary of Rousseau's point (A) and respond in the right-hand column about why you think this inequality exists. Pick 3 out of the 4 categories to address.

A. Rousseau
B. You
Political Inequalities
"a society of a size limited by the extent of human faculties" + "above the law" (2); the powerful rule over the weak (210 online); weak manipulated into subservience (56)
uninformed & uninterested populace; 2 party system; $; lack of transparency; selfishness
Racial Inequalities
religious teaching (17); economics (27)
fear; rash judgement; technology; $
Gender Inequalities
assoc. women w/nature (9); elision of women from the text; falsity of romantic love as a means of manipulation (39); division of labor > women in domestic sphere (48)
division of labor makes women seem weak; stereotypes about women belonging in the home
Economic Inequalities (Class)
49; property (51); strong accumulate wealth (53); inheritance (54)
gender, race, & family


What do you associate with the words "nature" and "society"?

  • organic
  • wilderness
  • primitive
  • pure
  • freedom
  • minimalism
  • peaceful

  • structure
  • man-made
  • competition
  • civilized
  • living under someone else's rule
  • labor
  • law

» naive

- proto-capitalist society

Rousseau's idea of natural man assumes they lived in "rustic huts" (50).

His idea of natural man assumes they lived in "rustic huts" (Rousseau 50).

Bildungsroman = coming-of-age novel (Novel of Education)

Deism = God as a clockmaker

Free write on 2 of these 4 words. What do associate with them? What do they mean to you?

- inherited > less mobile society

- absence of a middle class (bourgeoisie) / burgeoning middle class > artisans/craftsman

- class = social power

- tensions between classes

- protocols for each kind of class

- aristocracy (upper class), peasants

Read these sentences from Leibniz, reflect on them, and compose your own brief response to Leibniz's assertion that "God is absolutely perfect" (and that anything that happens shows his perfection/everything is for the good) = THEODICY

"40. We may hold that the supreme substance, which is unique, universal and necessary with nothing independent outside of it, which is further a pure sequence of possible being, must be incapable of limitation and must contain as much reality as possible.

41. Whence it follows that God is absolutely perfect, perfection being understood as the magnitude of positive reality in the strict sense, when the limitations or the bounds of those things which have them are removed. There where there are no limits, that is to say, in God, perfection is absolutely infinite."

From Leibniz, Monadologies

According to Voltaire, why do people suffer? Why is there suffering in the world?

How to find happiness?

Find more examples under the categories or others in order to find why people suffer in Candide, and what recipe for happiness Voltaire might suggest.

Research Questions:

- How effective was this book as a satire if it's not totally accurate?

What do Candide's companions say about him?

Party game: Ask yes or no questions about your character, such as: Do I survive the story? Am I male? etc. Sit down when you finish and write a 1-3 sentence sketch of your character. 

Jeronimo Rugera
Donna Josephe Asteron 
"little Philip" [Rugera Asteron] (316)
Don Henrico Asteron

Don Fernando Ormez (321)
Donna Elvire Ormez (317)
"little Juan" Ormez (323)
Don Pedro Xares (317)
Donna Elisabeth Xares (317)
Donna Constanze Xares (322)

the Abbess (315)
the Viceroy (318)
Master Pedrillo (321, 323)
Don Alonzo Onoreja (322)

KLEIST: What does Kleist propose causes evil, as shown in the root causes for characters' suffering? In what ways is God responsible (or not) for human suffering and happiness?

    Religion: Sinners blamed for earthquake, leading deaths (321-22); on the other hand, God gives them a second chance (earthquake)

    Class: Mésalliance between J + J (312); ideal of classless society (318)

    Gender: Lust at the center of the catastrophe

    Ethnicity / Race: German view of Spanish-speaking countries as barbaric/savage ("a lion fighting for its life . . . killer dogs" 323)

(German) Women are defined by the 3 "K's"


culpable (responsible) > culpability (responsibility)

>> To what extent is Faust responsible for the suffering around him?

Free Write:

Where does Mephisto derive his power from?
What forces, institutions (family, state, religion), activities, &/or desires, such as the pursuit of profession, love, power, knowledge, &/or money give him control over Faust and others? Be specific in your response.

Double Standard about Sexual Promiscuity


Archetypes of Femininity: virgin, mother, whore > to what extent can they escape these roles?

Is Goethe critiquing these instances of inequality?

Homunculus + Meph/Phorcyas: Gender is just a role?