Midterm Part II

Part A.

Instructions: Read six scholarly articles that present valid evidence (data that consists of carefully analyzed variables) in support of or against, distance education and Web-enhanced/online teaching and learning. I will assign each group a specific subtopic. Please access the online journals listed on our Web page (http://chss.montclair.edu/~sotillos/apln_508.html) Here is the URL for The Technology Source http://horizon.unc.edu/TS/ Do go to Sprague and read some of the journals on technology and education. For example, T.H.E. Journal is available at Sprague. Do scan it for worthwhile articles. For all journals: retrieve recent articles only (i.e., 1998 to present).

Each member of a group is responsible for reading one scholarly article, summarizing and analyzing it.  A summary gives an overview of the article.  An analysis breaks down the article by section (topic under investigation; methodology; data analysis; results; conclusions and implications). In other words, an analysis carefully examines the argument presented in the article.  (Do not use expressions such as "I think," "I believe." That’s your opinion and not an analysis.)

The articles you choose should focus on quantitative studies that show whether or not learning/teaching was successful in distance education, or in Web-enhanced and online courses. You can choose an article that focuses on any subject matter: psychology, mathematics, history, anthropology, linguistics, language learning, literature, etc.  Please photocopy your article and include it with the group report. 

If you choose to focus on a sound qualitative study, be sure it is from an authoritative source.  For example, there are qualitative articles published by assistant professors and graduate students at UCLA and Stanford University.

You can also go to Sprague Library and ask the Reference Librarian to help you do an ERIC search. Choose your indicators carefully (e.g., terms that go together, such as "Web-enhanced instruction and achievement in mathematics"; "online teaching and language learning"; "distance learning and academic achievement," etc.)

Part B:

Examine the averages for each of the 17 questions and analyze the MSU students’ comments. Write a summary of the students’ positive and negative comments. Are MSU students’ opinions similar to or different from those of students at other universities?

Part C:

Prepare a brief report (no more than six double-spaced pages) summarizing the literature review (your articles; six per group), your comparisons with the MSU survey findings, and the conclusions and implications you have reached based on the literature review and data analyzed. What are your recommendations regarding one of the following: distance education, Web-enhanced courses/learning, and online teaching/learning?

In order to accomplish all of the above, you need to select a Team Leader. The Team Leader should be a reliable and serious individual. This person must have excellent writing skills to be able to pull together your individual summaries and analyses. The Team Leader needs to keep everyone focused on the task at hand.  Having a Team Leader does not mean dumping the work on one person.  If someone is unwilling to do his/her share of the job, let me know immediately!  You should divide all tasks among yourselves.  Keep a journal and write down who is doing what.  I urge you to communicate via mIRC and keep a log.  We are all busy so that is not an excuse I will accept.

Group 1: Basimah et al., please focus primarily on Web-enhanced and online courses and learning in general (do not focus on language learning). What does the literature have to say about Web-enhanced and online teaching and learning? Is academic achievement among students using these modes of learning different from or similar to the academic achievement of students in traditional face-to-face (F2F) classes?

Group 2: Sandra et al., please focus primarily on distance education or distance teaching and learning. Please understand that distance education often includes videoconferencing, audio files, video clips and other multimedia accessories. What does the research on distance education show with respect to academic achievement, student retention rates, student productivity and graduation rates? Can students earn academic degrees via distance education? Where? Who benefits the most from distance learning? What types of students seek out distance education? Is this an academically viable option for most students?

Group 3: Donna et al., please focus primarily on Web-enhanced, online teaching, and synchronous and asynchronous communication in second/foreign language learning. You will need to read TESOL Matters, The TESOL Journal, Language Learning and Technology, and CALICO. Language Learning and Technology is online and it has excellent articles. What does research show about second/foreign language learning and the use of technology (e.g., use of synchronous and asynchronous communication; video clips and audio files), online and Web-enhanced teaching? If you don’t find anything about online or Web-enhanced teaching, examine the use of technology (e.g., CD Roms; online drills or exercises) in second/foreign language teaching.

DUE DATE: November 16th.

I will be online tomorrow at 9:05 p.m. in mIRC if you need to talk to me.

Please go to room /Research508. We will meet there.