Research Information
Ashwin Vaidya
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematical Sciences
MOntclair State University
Contact Information
Office: 245 Richardson Hall
Department of Mathematics
Phone: 973-655-2139
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh,
M.S., Mathematics & Physics, University of Pittsburgh,
1998, 1999.
B.Phil., Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics, Honors
College, University of Pittsburgh, 1995.
Research Interests
My research interest lies in the area of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical
Fluid Mechanics, Non-Linear Partial Differential
Equations, Hydrodynamic Stability, Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics,
Fluid-Structure Interaction, Experimental Fluid Mechanics and Philosophy of
Science. For my doctoral thesis, I worked on problems concerning the steady state
behavior of rigid bodies sedimenting in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. I am, in general,
interested in problems concerning fluid structure interactions and non-Newtonian fluid flow and their
implications in as diverse fields as geophysics,
environmental fluid mechanics and biofluid mechanics.
Some Recent Publications
1. G.P.Galdi & A. Vaidya, Translational fall of symmetric bodies in a Navier-Stokes liquid with applications to
particle sedimentation, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 3, 183-211, 2001.
2. G.P.Galdi, A.Vaidya, M. Pokorny, D.D.Joseph & J.Feng,
Orientation of symmetric bodies falling in a second-order fluid at low
Reynolds numbers, Mathematics Models and Methods in Applied Sciences,
12, 1653-1690, 2002.
3. A. Vaidya, Existence of Steady Freefall of Rigid Bodies in a Second order
fluid with Applications to Particle Sedimentation, Nonlinear Analysis: Series B,
in press, 2005.
4. A. Vaidya and R. Wulandana, Nonlinear Stability for convection with
quadratic temperature dependent viscosity, Mathematical Methods in
the Applied Sciences, in press, 2006.
5. R.Camassa, R.McLaughlin,M.Moore and A.Vaidya Brachistochrone Paths in
Potential and Stokes Flow Past a Sphere , accepted for publication in Physics Letters A, 2008.