College Physics I
Instructor : Dr. Ashwin Vaidya
Schedule : : Mon, Wed: 10:00-11:15 am, Lab: Thursday.
Classroom : Richardson 231
Text : Essentials of College Physics, 1st edition.
Syllabus :For a copy of the course syllabus, click here. .
Office Hours : Mon: 1-3pm and Wed, 1-2pm (or by appointment).
Email: : (Please say "physics 193" in the subject heading of your email otherwise I may not read your mail.)
Practice Problems
- Chapter 2: Problems 3,6,11,17,18,22,30,31,35,38.
- Chapter 3: Problems 2,4,7,10,11,20,24,35.
- Chapter 4: Problems 1,2,11,13,18,22,32,34.
- Chapter 5: Problems 2,6,8,12,16,21,40,46
- Chapter 6: Problems 3,5,8,11,20,22,25.
Homework Problems(due on the last days of class)
- Chapter 2: Problems 11,18,22,35.
- Chapter 3: Problems 7,24,35.
- Chapter 4: Problems 1,11,13,22,34.
- Chapter 5: Problems 8,12,21,46
- Chapter 6: Problems 3,5,11,25.
Lab Experiments
- Lab 1: Reaction times.
- Lab 2: Motion, displacement, velocity, freefall. Download the following video.
- Lab 3: Freefall experiments. Estimating the value of 'g'.
- Lab 4: Vectors: measuring the height of Richardson and University hall and displacement from the enterance from RI to Sc. buildings.
- Lab 5: Using the force table to understand vectors and forces.
- Lab 6: Movie about the birth of the formula E=mc^2. Click here. Please take notes as you watch this movie and summarize it in a page and a half about it in your lab notebook.
Important deadlines
- October 21, Wednesday: Lab notebooks due for mid-term evaluation.
- December 3: Biographical paper due, Final lab demonstration project (to be done group wise), Lab notebooks due for final lab-grades.