Welcome to the MAW Cancer Chronicles Web Site

My name is Mark A. Whitener. I am Associate Professor of Chemistry at Montclair State University in Upper Montclair, NJ. This site contains pages that document my experience during graduate school with lymphoma and the subsequent cancer chemotherapy that was used to treat it. It was started on facebook as a series of status updates to commemorate my 25th anniversary of being cancer free. It is a combination of my story and some descriptions of the nature of cancer and chemotrerapy written for non-scientists. Bonus materials include a photo gallery, the slides and audio of a seminar I gave, and links to cancer sites. I expect to modify this site and add photos and other content.

The navigation is from a home page with links to each of the 30 parts. Each page has a link to the preceding and following page. It is formated for reading on a computer, and I don't think it will work well on a cell phone. Sorry.

Go to the home page Please start with the website introduction.

Thank you for your interest in my site. I may be contacted at: whitenerm@mail.montclair.edu