Review of free-write question: What is world literature?

WRONG ANSWER: “literature that appeals to everyone”

Damrosch suggests the opposite: that other countries choose works of world literature that appeal to their own sensibilities. These works may or may not appeal to readers in the author’s home country.

Damrosch also calls world literature “all literary works that circulate beyond their country of origin” (Damrosch 4); a way of reading and classifying literature; and “a mode of circulation and reading” (Damrosch 5).

World literature used to mean a selection of works from the canon (of existing literature), the 19th-century concept of literary masterpiece  (Damrosch 6).

See also my page on this subject:

Problems with reading world literature, according to Damrosch:
Neocolonialist Readings

According to Damrosch, how can we solve some of the problems of reading world literature?

Work Cited:

Damrosch, David. What is World Literature? Princeton and Oxford: Princeton UP, 2003.