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Bibliography on sammukham / vAda


Compiled by Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, Lancaster University, and Laurie Patton, Emory University

Bader, Jonathan. Conquest of the Four Quarters: Traditional Accounts of the Life of Sankara. New Delhi, 2000.

Bakhtin, M. The Problem of Dostoyevsky's Poetics, tr. R.W. Rotsel. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis Press, 1973.

Bakhtin, Mikhail M. "Discourse in the Novel." The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Ed. Michael Holquist. Trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. University of Texas Press Slavic Studies 1. 1975 (Russian). Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981. 259-422.

_____. "The Problem of Speech Genres." Speech Genres and Other Late Essays. Trans. Vern W. McGee. Ed. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. University of Texas Press Slavic Series 8. 1979 (Russian). Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986. 60-102.

Bergman, Samuel Hugo and Gerstein, Arnold A. Gerstein Dialogical philosophy from Kierkegaard to Buber. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991. Bialostosky, Don H. "Dialogics as an Art of Discourse in Literary Criticism," in Publications of the Modern Language Association 101 (1986): 788-97.

_____. "Liberal Education, Writing, and the Dialogic Self." Landmark Essays on Bakhtin, Rhetoric, and Writing. Ed. Frank Farmer. Mahwah, New Jersey: Hermagoras-Erlbaum, 1998. 187-96.

Black, Brian. Eavesdropping on the Epic: Female Listeners in the Mahabharata in Gender and Narrative in the Mahabharata: New Essays. Edited by Simon Brodbeck and Brian Black. London: Routledge/Curzon, 2007, pp. 53-79.

Clayton, John. Religions, Reasons, Gods: Essays in Cross-Cultural Philosophy. Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Cort, John. "Intellectual Ahimsa" Revisited: Jain Tolerance and Intolerance of Others," in Philosophy East and West, Vol. 50, No. 3, The Philosophy of Jainism (Jul., 2000): 324-347.

Dand, Arthi. "Paradigms of the Good in the Mahabharata: Suka and Sulabha in Quagmires of Ethics," in Gender and Narrative in the Mahabharata: New Essays. Edited by Simon Brodbeck and Brian Black. London: Routledge/Curzon, 2007, pp

Daya Krishna, et al, eds. Samvada, a dialogue between two philosophical traditions Delhi Indian Council of Philosophical Research in association with Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1991.

Dreyfus, George B.J. The sound of two hands clapping :the education of a Tibetan Buddhist monk Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press, 2003.

Eckel, Malcolm David. Bhaviveka and His Buddhist Opponents. Cambridge, Mass. ; Dept. of Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Harvard University ; Distributed by Harvard University Press, 2008.

Hermans Hubert J. and Kempen, Harry J.G. "Body, Mind and Culture: The Dialogical Nature of Mediated Action in Culture & Psychology, Vol. 1, No. 1, (1995): 103-114.

Hermans, H.J.M, and Kempen, H.J.G., The Dialogical Self: Meaning as Movement. New York: Academic Press, 1993. 

Holquist, Michael. Dialogism: Bakhtin and His World. New Accents. London: Routledge, 1990. 

Horscht, Paul. Die vedische Gatha-und Sloka-Literatur. Bern: Francke, 1966. 

Kent, Thomas. "Hermeneutics and Genre: Bakhtin and the Problem of Communicative Interaction." Landmark Essays on Bakhtin, Rhetoric, and Writing. Ed. Frank Farmer. Mahwah, New Jersey: Hermagoras-Erlbaum, 1998. pp. 33-49.

King, Richard. Indian Philosophy: An Introduction to Hindu and Buddhist Thought Edinburgh/Georgetown University Presses, 1999/2000.

Krippendorf, Klaus.: On communicating : otherness, meaning, and information. Edited by Fernando Bermejo. New York : Routledge, 2009.

Kuiper, F.B.J. "The Ancient Aryan Verbal Contest." Indo-Iranian Journal, vol.4, no.4 (1960): 217-281.

Malinar, Angelika. "Arguments of a Queen: Draupadi's Views on Kingship," in Gender and Narrative in the Mahabharata: New Essays. Edited by Simon Brodbeck and Brian Black. London: Routledge/Curzon, 2007, pp. 79-97.

Meira, Liliana and Ferreira, Tiago, "Narrative and Image: Metaphors of the Dialogical Self and the Problem of Spatiality in International Journal for Dialogical Science (Fall, 2008 Vol. 3. No. 1): 291-300

Patton, Laurie. "Samvada: A Literary Resource for Conflict Negotiation in Classical India" in Evam: Forum on Indian Representations 3. 1& 2. Delhi: Samvad India, 2004, pp. 177-190.

_____. "How do you Conduct Yourself? Dialogical Gender in the Mahabharata,".in Gender and Narrative in the Mahabharata: New Essays. Edited by Simon Brodbeck and Brian Black. London: Routledge/Curzon, 2007, pp. 97-109.

Reich, Tamar. "The Sacrifice of Battle and the Battle of Yoga, or How to Word-Away a Discontented Wife," in Notes from a Mandala: Essays in the History of Indian Religions, Edited by Laurie L. Patton. University of Delaware Press, 2009, pp. 182-199.

Sarma, Deepak. Introduction to Madhva Vedanta. Aldershot, Hampshire, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2003.

Sax, William. "Conquering the Quarters," in International Journal of Hindu Studies 4 (2000): 39-60.

Sen, Amartya Kumar. The Argumentative Indian : writings on Indian history, culture, and identity New York :Picador/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006.

Sharma, Priyavat, trans. Caraka Samhita: Agnivesa's Treatise Refined and Annotated with Commentary by Drdhabala. Varanasi : Chaukhambha Orientalia : 1981-1983.

Solomon, Esther. Indian Dialectics: Methods of Philosophical Discussion. Ahmedabad: B.J. Institute of Learning and Research, 1976.

Thompson, George. "The Brahmodya and Vedic Discourse," in Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 117, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 1997): 13-37. Zappen, James P. "Bakhtin's Socrates." Rhetoric Review 15 (1996): 66-83.



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Revised: July 22, 2009