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Bibliography for Time in the _Bhagavad Gita_ and in Jain/Vaisesika Thought


Compiled by Deepak Sarma

Gonzalez-Reimann, Luis. _The Mahabharata and the Yugas: India's Great Epic Poem and the Hindu System of World Ages_. Asian Thought and Culture, ed. Sandra Wawrytko, 51. New York: Peter Lang2002.

Piatigorsky,  Alexander introduction to Element's  reprint of van Buitenen's translation of the Gita. (Rockport, Mass; Shatesbury, Dorset; Brisbane, Queensland: 1997.)

Time in Jaina and Vaisesika thought: Balslev, Anindita Niyogi. _A study of time in Indian philosophy_ Wiesbaden : O. Harrassowitz, 1983.

Halbfass,  Wilhelm  _On Being and What There Is_ (SUNY 1992).

Mylius, Klaus. " Die Zeit in der Philosophie der Jainas ", Asiatische Studien / Etudes Asiatiques 57.1 2003.

Prasad, H.S. _Time in Indian Philosophy_ Delhi : Sri Satguru Publications, 1992.

Schayer, Stanislaw, _Contributions to the problem of time in Indian philosophy_ Kraków: Nakadem Polskiej Akademii Umiejetnos´ci, 1938.


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Revised: December 26, 2003