Online Profile
"HenryMorgan and 17th Century Piracy" |
Bowles, Samuel (1998)
"Endogenous Preferences: The Cultural Consequences of Markets and Other Economic Institutions" |
Buxton, Bill (2008)
"Why Risk Is Important" |
Coy, Peter (2009)
"What Good Are Economists?" |
Crawford, Neta C. (2003)
"Just War Theory and the U.S. Counterterror War" |
Donnelly, Thomas (2003)
"The Underpinnings of the Bush Doctrine"; "The Bush Doctrine" |
Easterly, William (2009)
"Can The West Save Africa?" |
The Economist(2007)
"Latin American Democracy At Stake" |
Huntington, Samuel (1993)
"The Clash of Civilizations" |
Kagan, Robert (2008)
"The Case for a League of Democracies" |
Kagan, Robert (2002)
"Power and Weakness" |
Krueger, Alan (2005)
"Why Bubbles Happen" |
Lal, Deepak (2005)
"In Defense of Empires" |
LeBel, P. (2008)
"Managing Risk In Africa Through Institutional Reform" |
LeBel, P. (2007)
"Political Legitimacy in Context" |
LeBel, P. (1997)
"China's Economic Reforms" |
Lewis, Bernard (2009)
"Free At Last? The Arab World in the Twentieth-first Century" |
Lipset, Semour Martin (1959)
"Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy" |
Mehlum, Halvor (2006)
"Institutions and the Resource Curse" |
Scott, Mark (2007)
"Europe's Carbon Trading Pioneers" |
Selassie, Haile (1936)
"Appeal to the League of Nations" |
Sherman, Jake (2001)
"The Economics of War" |
Stansell, Christine (2009)
"The Aftermath and After" |
World Bank(2002)
"List of World Conflicts from 1946 through 2001" |
Zakaria, Fareed (1997)
"Illiberal Democracy" |
Zinn, Jenn (2004)
"Social Contexts and Responses to Risk" |