Professional Activity


 Beyond the academic community, much of my professional activity has been associated with work in Sub-Saharan Africa, building on my initial experience as a Peace Corps volunteer teacher in Ethiopia. I have travelled in some thirty countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, and have lived extensively in both Ethiopia (3 1/2 year) and in Senegal (1 1/5 years), I have been a Fulbright Senior Fellow in the Faculty of Business and Economics of Addis Ababa in the spring 2009, as well as a Fulbright Visiting Senior Lecturer at the University of Dakar in the spring of 1984. In addition to acquiring competency in various languages, I also have provided professional consulting services to a variety of organizations. They include: The World Bank, UNESCO, FAO, U.S. Agency for International Development, and the U.S. State Department. Services provided are summarized in the enclosed professional vitae, with primary specializations in program evaluation and human resource management training, in both English and French. Information on my 2009 Fulbright Senior Fellowship can be obtained at: PLBEthiopiaFulbright2009.

Project Management Modules

Economic Analysis

  Document: Economic Analysis of Projects

  Document: Introduction to Economic Analysis

  Document: Economic Functions of the Public Sector

  Document: The Measurement of Risk 

  Document: Risk and Economic Growth

  Case Study: Case Study - Income Inequality

  Case Study Case Study - The Harrod-Domar Model

  Document The IS-LM Macroeconomic Equilibrium Model

Financial Analysis

  Document: Financial Analysis of Projects

  Document:  Introduction to Finance

  Case Study: Case Study - The Millet Mill Project

  Document: The Am Djena Livestock Project

  Case Study Follow-up: AmDjena Basic Evaluation

  Case Study Follow-up 1: AmDjena Economic Evaluation



Project Finance

  Case Study Follow-up 3: Project Lending Choice

  Case Study Follow-up 4: Project Refinancing Choices

  Case Study Follow-up 5: Polynomial Ambiguity

  Document: Livestock Econometric Model

  Case Study Document: Cost-Effectiveness Model

  Case Study Follow-Up 1: Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation

  Document: Excise Tax Criteria

  Document: Excise Taxation

Public Financial Management
Financial Institutions Management
 Management of Financial Resources

Risk Management Tools

  Case Study: Price Stabilization Case Study

  Document: Stock Market Valuation

  Document: Risk-Based Capital Ratios

  Document: The Basic Option Pricing Model

  Document: Efficient Portfolio Choices

  Document: Expected Default Frequency Model

  Document: Value At Risk Models

  Document: The Merton Risk Premium Model

  Document: Economic Valued Added Models

  Document: Working Capital Management Models

Roger Thurow and Scott Kilman "U.S. Subsidies Create Cotton Glut That Hurts Foreign Cotton Farms" The Wall Street Journal, June 26, 2002

Forecasting Modules

Modules de Formation en Gestion

MDI - Groupe Francophone 2023

La Constitution du Projet - Le Cadre Logique et Le Cycle du Projet

l'Analyse économique

  Document: Analyse économique

  Document: Introduction à l'analyse économique

  Document: Fonctions économiques du Secteur Public

  Document: Risque et croissance économique

  Document: l'Inégalité économique

  Casd'étude: Cas d'étude - l'inégalité Gini

  Document: Le modèle Harrod-Domar

  Casd'étude: Cas d'étude - Harrod-Domar

  Document: Le modèle de stabilisation macroéconomique

l'Analyse financière

  Document: Analyse financière

  Document: Introduction à l'analyse financière

  Cas d'étude: Cas d'étude - projet moulin à mil

  Document: Cas d'étude - le projet Am Djena

  Cas d'étude Suivi (1): Maquette du projet d'Am Djena

  Cas d'étude Suivi (2): Etude économetrique du projet


 Financer des projets

  Document: Financer des projets

  Cas d'étude Suivi (3): Le choix d'un prêt

  Cas d'étude Suivi (4): Le choix de refinancer un prêt

  Cas d'étude Suivi (5): l'Ambiguité poynomielle

  Document: l'Efficience des impôts

  Document: La taxe accise

  Cas d'étude: Cas d'étude - l'efficience des impôts

  Document: Gestion de la dette

Gestion budgétaire publique
 Gestion financière

 Gestion des ressources financières

Outils pour gérer des risques

Modèles de Prévision

Academic and Professional Presentations

 Political Economy at the Millennium

(March 2000)

The Federal Reserve and Economic Stabilization  

  (June 2001)

 Optimal Pricing of Biodiverse Renewable Natural Resources

(February 2002)

 Managing Risk in Financial Institutions

(May 2002)
(October 2003)
(March 2008)

Political Legitimacy

(September 2019)

Risk and the State

(April 2021)

La pensée économqiue

(Avril 2021)



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